Million Girls Moonshot Resources
The Iowa Active Learning Community Partnership’s work is made possible by funding from STEM Next and the Million Girls Moonshot Innovator Grant. The mission of MGM is to expand STEM opportunities, specifically in the field of Engineering, for girls across the United States, which is made possible through these individual state partnerships. This page has a direct link to the Million Girls Moonshot website as well as resources you can access to share with your staff.
Click the buttons below to view each month's resources.
May 2024
Special Opportunities
Teen Science Cafe Fellows: 2024-2025 Information Session
May 23rd 4:30-5:30pm ET/ 1:30-2:30pm PT
The Teen Science Cafe (TSC) Fellows initiative is a ten-month
training program designed to help informal educators
implement Teen Science Cafes in their community.
Teen Science Cafe Fellows receive one-on-one support from
TSC Guides to launch a cafe program and
host three cafe events during the year.
Fellows receive a $2,500 stipend to support their work!
Register Here to attend an informational webinar to learn more!
Girl Scouts New STEM Playbook!
The world of STEM is filled with endless opportunities to make a difference. From exploring computer coding and space exploration to building robots and solutions to problems such as climate change, girls are using STEM as a tool to change our world.
And you can help them make it all possible! Girl Scouts’ new STEM Playbook is designed for anyone looking to encourage a love of STEM in girls of all ages. Whether you’re involved with Girl Scouts or simply a supportive adult, the new STEM Playbook offers ideas, guidance, and access to resources and tools to grow girls' interest and skills in the field. Download the new STEM Playbook and discover new ideas to help girls build the future with STEM.
Download Girl Scouts’ New STEM Playbook Here
Project Brainy
Project Brainy is a six-session neuroscience-based curriculum
designed for out of school time (OST) programs. The curriculum
enables middle-school students to build social-emotional skills,
engage in interactive STEM learning and increase literacy.
Summer and fall 2024 OST programs are invited to apply to
participate in a research project to study the implementation
of the curriculum. Selected programs will receive training and
ongoing support on the curriculum and a $1,500 participation stipend.
Professional Development
ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions
Wednesdays: 5/8, 5/22, 6/5/2024 2:00 - 4:00 pm EST / 11:00 - 1:00 pm PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend.
REGISTER HERE Code: AC362PQ (Coach Hannah L)
ACRES Coaching: Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections
Mondays: 5/6, 5/20, 6/3/2024 6:00 - 8:00 pm EST / 3:00 - 5:00 pm PST
How do you help youth recognize their connection to and role in STEM? How do you help youth learn about STEM careers? Participants experience several easy-to-implement strategies, including a photo elicitation activity that can help youth form STEM identities, and then learn how to conduct related activities with youth. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC331ID (Coach Emma C)
Info Session about Micro-credentials and Digital Badging
Wednesday, May 8th 1:00 - 2:00 pm EST / 10:00 - 11:00 am PST
ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to offer additional Information Sessions about STEM micro-credentials, which are competency-based, digital badges for afterschool and out-of-school professionals offered through the National Afterschool Association. These sessions are free, live, interactive, and one hour in length. You will learn about what Micro-credentials are and how to apply for them.
PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM, choose the date that works best for you, and we'll reach out to you with the Zoom link. FMI contact acres@mmsa.org (Note: It isn’t necessary to attend more than one informational session as the content is consistent.)
Including All Learners in Engineering
Wednesday, May 8th 1:00 - 1:45 PM ET
In a highly competitive world, how do we lead program
activities in a way that helps young people feel like
engineering is a discipline in which they can succeed
and thrive? Join this virtual 45-minute mini-workshop to
learn about and develop strategies for creating engineering
experiences that are inclusive for all youth.
What makes an engineering activity open and inclusive?
Come away with ideas you can put into practice.
Register Here
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion
Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework.
A Summary of Effective Gender Equitable Teaching Practices in Informal STEM Education Spaces: This article summarizes research on gender equitable practices for middle school girls in the last decade and addresses the disconnect between research and practice. The article focuses on ways to connect STEM experiences to girls’ lives, emphasizing the ways that STEM is collaborative and community-oriented, and providing opportunities for girls to interact with and learn from diverse role models.
Beyond Equity as Inclusion: Framework of “Rightful Presence” for Guiding Justice-Oriented Studies in Teaching and Learning: This article presents a framework to guide the study of teaching and learning in justice-oriented ways. This framework highlights the limitations of equity as inclusion, which does not adequately address the ways in which systemic injustices manifest in local classroom practice. Three tenets for guiding the use of this framework in teaching and learning are offered.
Engineering Mindsets
Engineering Mindset Overview: An engineering mindset refers to the attitudes and thinking skills associated with engineering — using a systematic engineering design process, considering real-world problems, applying math and science, and working in teams. The Moonshot focuses on 10 engineering practices. An overview of each practice follows, and subsequent briefs will explore each one individually.
New Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA (GSAWN) Resources: The Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA program, part of NASA's Universe of Learning, provides resources and experiences that enable girls, families, and lifelong learners to explore fundamental questions in astrophysics and discover the universe for themselves. New resources include the GSAWN Program Cookbook, stages of a star's Life Flipbook, a Stellar Life Cycle Bookmark and Bracelet, and Stellar Evolution Scavenger Hunt.
Role Models, Mentors, and Families
Role models, mentors, and family engagement in a young person’s STEM education leads to increased interest, greater self-confidence, and ultimately a stronger STEM identity. Developing a science-related identity increases the likelihood that students will work toward developing science literacy, or even pursue a career in a science or STEM-related field.
Article: How One Woman's Story Led to the Creation of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month (yahoo.com) The month of May was selected for two reasons: First, to commemorate the arrival of the first known Japanese immigrant to the U.S. on May 7, 1843; secondly, to honor the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869 — the building of which up to 20,000 Chinese workers participated in. But who’s idea was it to celebrate? And Why? Learn about a remarkable woman who advocated for this celebration.
Role models: Influential Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in STEM | Washington D.C. & Maryland Area | Capitol Technology University (captechu.edu) May marks Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and the Capitology blog is celebrating by highlighting some of the most influential modern day AAPI members involved in STEM. NASA has recognized a myriad of such members, all of whom deserve to be recognized and honored for their achievements. Links to resources are in the role model listing.
Videos: Asian American scientists in STEM classrooms: increasing inclusion and visibility | NOVA | PBS Learn about Asian and Pacific Islander American scientists who have helped change the world, and the call for greater inclusion of their work in curriculum and textbooks. Videos, interviews, and links to other resources are included.
Role model visits (in person or virtual) SWE - The World's Largest Advocate for Women in Engineering The Society of Women Engineers has chapters across the country. Each chapter is committed to supporting learners and will find the right role model and facilitate in person or virtual visits. SWE also provides a variety of youth programs that range from in person activities to scholarships.
Videos: Celebrating AANHPI Heritage Month: Stories, Facts, History &… | PBS Growing up Asian: This series of short, highly engaging videos tells personal stories of Asians in America. What was it like to grow up with this identity?
Blog: Inspiring AAPI Scientists and Engineers - Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month | Science Buddies Blog This list contains only a few of the many inspiring AANHPI scientists and engineers who have made (and are making) important contributions to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) For each scientist, we have included a short biographical note, a link to a hands-on science project or activity related to the scientist's area of study, a link to a relevant science career profile, and a link to a biography to help students learn more about individual scientists.
Article: 8 Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders whose innovations have changed your life (really!) | (ted.com) Stories of life changing inventions like the N95 respirator mask, HIV medications, and USB technologies that are all contributions of the AAPI community of STEM specialists.
Room to Read STEAM Powered Careers Collection: This collection features 10 STEM-themed books and lesson plans for youth grades 1-3, all available for free download in English and Spanish. The books feature diverse characters (and their animal friends) exploring various STEM fields, such as data science, marine biology, and nanotechnology, written by diverse scientists. Each book also features a real-life scientist and includes information about careers in the field of focus.
Incorporating the Stories of Women, People of Color, and LGBTQ+ Scientists Into the Physics Classroom: One way to increase accessibility to and participation in STEM is to point out the contributions of women and people of color throughout history. By focusing on diverse role models—which has been shown to reduce stereotype threat for students of these groups as well as implicit bias for all students—while also calling attention to ongoing diversity issues in STEM today, teachers can challenge conventional and outdated assumptions about a STEM stereotype.
Continuous STEM Learning Pathways
Research tells us that continuous engagement and exposure rather than limited one-time opportunities are needed to nurture the interest and motivation necessary for children to pursue STEM pathways long term. The Moonshot aims to understand and support transitions and handoffs that remove barriers for youth by connecting STEM learning across ages and settings, ensuring youth interest and motivation persists.
Possible Futures — Career Exploration Curriculum: Open source curriculum that complements and enriches both school and afterschool settings 1) expanding career awareness through authentic experiential learning opportunities; 2) encouraging students to explore their diverse interests, talents, and options; 3) enlivening STEM subjects by bringing in real-world and career contexts; 4) empowering students to develop vital employability skills; and 5) engaging students in making informed choices.
Below are some adaptations of the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum specifically for afterschool and summer programs:
Career Literacy: Three units that combine the units Skills for Success and Lenses on the Future (from Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum). The units also provide a model for aligning Possible Futures with state Career Literacy Standards and the development of required individual student postsecondary plans.
Growing Myself: Twelve lessons that combine the Self unit from Lenses on the Future and the Growth Mindset unit from Skills for Success from the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum.
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Activity (engineering): How Does a Wind Meter Work? | Science Project (sciencebuddies.org) On a windy day it is hard to keep your hat on! The power of the wind can even be strong enough to power large wind turbines to make electricity! In this experiment, find out how you can make your own instrument to measure the speed and power of the wind. How does it work?
Activity (engineering): Tallest Paper Tower Challenge | Science Project (sciencebuddies.org) In this engineering challenge, you will use limited materials to build a paper tower as tall as possible, but there's a twist! Your tower must also support a heavy weight at the top without collapsing. Looking for inspiration? You can see how other students have tackled this and other annual Science Buddies Engineering Challenges.
Activity (engineering): How to Build a Toilet Paper Roll Balloon Car - Left Brain Craft Brain This project is a perfect opportunity to learn about simple machines: the building blocks of all things that move. The activity uses easy to find materials and can be done in class and easily repeated at home.
Activity(engineering): Turn Milk into Plastic | STEM Activity (sciencebuddies.org) Until about 1945, milk was commonly used to make many different plastic ornaments, including buttons, decorative buckles, beads and other jewelry, and many other items. Milk plastic (usually called casein plastic) was even used to make jewelry for Queen Mary of England! In this activity students will make their own casein plastic out of hot milk and vinegar.
Activity (math): Devising an Algorithm for Solving Rubik's Cube | Science Project (sciencebuddies.org) This activity shows youth three sets of move sequences that accomplish specific rearrangements of the cube. Is there a way to solve the cube using only these three move sequences?
Activity (Computer science): Can Humans Recognize ChatGPT's AI-Generated Text? | Science Project (sciencebuddies.org) AI (artificial intelligence)-generated text is a hot topic for many reasons. Computers can now generate convincing paragraphs or even pages of text that look like they were written by a human. How do you know if a news article you are reading was written by a human or an AI? How does a teacher know if a student's essay was written by an AI? How do you know this text was not written by an AI? In this science project, you will conduct an experiment to see if volunteers can correctly identify whether different passages of text were written by a human or AI.

April 2024
Special Opportunities
Solar Science with Lockheed Martin
Are you ready for the 2024 Solar Eclipse that will be visible across the U.S. on April 8, 2024? Connect with NASA to engage students and families:
Find local viewing events using this listing or creating your own opportunity.
Use NASA Resources, Videos, Lessons and Materials with students.
Ensure Safe viewing
Everyone MUST wear solar eclipse glasses or use an alternate viewing method to look at any eclipse. Read more about eye safety during an annular eclipse on our web page and on this safety flier.
Planning to watch the April 8th Solar Eclipse? Before the midday event happens, learn more about solar science directly from a Solar Researcher working at leading global security and aerospace company, Lockheed Martin.
Prepare for the Solar Eclipse on April 8th at 9:00 AM PT and learn invaluable information about the incredible Solar Eclipse with Lockheed Martin. Register here.
Genomics Career Awareness - DNA Day April 25th
Celebrate DNA Day (April 25th) throughout April by peaking student interest in careers in genomics with Illumina. Looking for an activity to celebrate? Get your supply list, demo videos and instructions at dnaday.org/diy-dna-extraction/
Share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #Genomics4All for a chance to win prizes!
Find more free resources at www.dnaday.org
Project Brainy
Project Brainy is a six-session neuroscience-based curriculum
designed for out of school time (OST) programs. The curriculum
enables middle-school students to build social-emotional skills,
engage in interactive STEM learning and increase literacy.
Summer and fall 2024 OST programs are invited to apply to
participate in a research project to study the implementation
of the curriculum. Selected programs will receive training and
ongoing support on the curriculum and a $1,500 participation stipend.
Professional Development
ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions
Tuesdays: 4/16, 4/30, and 5/14/2024 11:00 am- 1:00 pm EST / 8:00 - 10:00 am PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC330PQ (Coach Emma C)
ACRES Coaching: Elevating Youth Voice and Choice (For OST professionals who have completed Asking Purposeful Questions)
Thursdays: 4/11, 4/25, 5/9/24 11am - 1pm EST / 8am - 10am PST
How often do youth in your program get to choose what they’re investigating or designing, the materials they might use and/or how they engage with the work? In this module, participants try out strategies for elevating youth voice and choice and apply the ideas as they redesign a STEM activity to incorporate a greater variety of youth input. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend.
REGISTER HERE Code: AC351VC (Coach Becky T)
ACRES Coaching: Facilitating Engineering Practices (For OST professionals who have completed Asking Purposeful Questions)
Wednesdays: 4/10, 4/24, 5/8/2024 1pm - 3pm EST /10am - 12pm PST
Engineering has become a staple of STEM programming for youth. How can we confidently bring engineering into our programming and support youth as they engage in problem solving? In this module, participants gain first-hand experience with engineering by solving a design problem. They examine the components of the engineering design process and discuss ways to model the process with youth.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC329EP (Coach Emma C)
A Conversation with Christine Cunningham about YES
Tuesday April 2nd, 2024 Noon-1:00 pm ET; 9:00 am-10:00 am PST
Youth Engineering Solutions is building the next generation of problem solvers and engineers by creating resources that engage all students in authentic engineering challenges connected to their lives and communities. Join this webinar and learn about resources from YES that are designed for elementary classrooms, middle school classrooms, and afterschool programs. This virtual workshop will prepare you to create authentic engineering experiences that motivate and engage youth in developing an engineering mindset. You’ll learn more about equity-oriented engineering learning and this can transform out-of-school time learning.
Click2Engineering’s Including All Learners in Engineering
Wednesday, April 24th, 2024 Noon-1:00 pm ET; 9:00 am-10:00 am PST
In a highly competitive world, how do we create program
spaces that help young people feel like engineering is a
discipline in which they can succeed and thrive? Join this
virtual workshop to develop strategies for creating engineering
experiences that are engaging for all youth. Dive into what
makes an engineering activity open and inclusive. Experience
hands-on engineering and come away with ideas you
can put into practice.
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion
Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework.
Elevating Youth Voice in STEM Programming Webinar: One way to ensure your program is youth-centric is to elevate youth voice and empower youth to take charge of their own STEM experiences. In this webinar recording, presenters share their knowledge and first-hand experiences promoting or using their voices and developing leadership skills to support and promote STEM learning in their communities.
Cultural Competence in Afterschool Programs: A chapter on how programs address the increasing and cultural diversity in the United States. Program leaders need to consider how to adapt their program to make it culturally relevant to the youth and families they serve. This chapter explores the meaning of cultural relevance, how to design cultural competence afterschool programs, and how to tailor cultural competence to meet local needs.
Engineering Mindsets
Engineering Mindset Overview: An engineering mindset refers to the attitudes and thinking skills associated with engineering — using a systematic engineering design process, considering real-world problems, applying math and science, and working in teams. The Moonshot focuses on 10 engineering practices. An overview of each practice follows, and subsequent briefs will explore each one individually.
Engineering Design Process: This resource helps educators understand design process and how to facilitate engineering activities with kids.
Role Models, Mentors, and Families
Role models, mentors, and family engagement in a young person’s STEM education leads to increased interest, greater self-confidence, and ultimately a stronger STEM identity. Developing a science-related identity increases the likelihood that students will work toward developing science literacy, or even pursue a career in a science or STEM-related field.
Video and articles: Greta Thunberg on how to tackle climate anxiety | The One Show - BBC (youtube.com) Greta Thunberg, the environmental activist who has been making headlines around the globe, is a 21-year-old Swedish girl. Greta Thunberg - Speech, Quotes & Activism (biography.com) She is a climate activist who has received worldwide recognition for her efforts to fight climate change. She has been nominated for the Nobel Prize. Other remarkable environmentalists can be found here: Top 18 Famous Environmental Scientists You Should Know 2024 (scijournal.org)
Video: TEDxTC - Winona LaDuke - Seeds of Our Ancestors, Seeds of Life (youtube.com) Winona LaDuke is an Ojibwe conservationist who gives a cultural and scientific contest to why environmental conservation is so important.
Article: How To Become an Environmental Scientist: A Step-By-Step Guide – Forbes Advisor This guide for older youth offers a step-by-step pathway to a career in environmental science. Explore details on an environmental scientist job description, available degrees and concentrations in the field, salary data and job outlook projections.
Video: video about barbara mcclintock - Yahoo Search Results Video Search Results Barbara McClintock was a scientist and cytogeneticist who received the 1983 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. She earned her Ph.D. in botany from Cornell University and began her lifelong work in the development of maize cytogenetics. She eventually gained recognition as among the best in the field and was honored with several prestigious awards.
The Key To Diversity And Inclusion Is Mentorship: Mentoring increases the diversity of participants and increases their engagement. Recent research also shows that mentoring has benefits for the mentor and was identified in by mentors one study as an important aspect of their careers.
SciGirls Family Guide for Engaging Girls in STEM: The guide is designed to spark a curiosity for STEM in girls through activities that promote knowledge and discovery. This guide shares strategies and tips to support families in their encouragement of girls to pursue STEM.
STEM Pathways and Transitions
Research tells us that continuous engagement and exposure rather than limited one-time opportunities are needed to nurture the interest and motivation necessary for children to pursue STEM pathways long term. The Moonshot aims to understand and support transitions and handoffs that remove barriers for youth by connecting STEM learning across ages and settings, ensuring youth interest and motivation persists.
Possible Futures — Career Exploration Curriculum: Open source curriculum that complements and enriches both school and afterschool settings 1) expanding career awareness through authentic experiential learning opportunities; 2) encouraging students to explore their diverse interests, talents, and options; 3) enlivening STEM subjects by bringing in real-world and career contexts; 4) empowering students to develop vital employability skills; and 5) engaging students in making informed choices.
Below are some adaptations of the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum specifically for afterschool and summer programs:
Career Foundations Adaptation: A collection of 14 lessons, a streamlined combination of the Lenses on the Future and Skills for Success units of Possible Futures curriculum.
College and Career Readiness Toolkit: Maryland Out of School Time (MOST) embedded the Career Foundations Unit of Possible Futures into this toolkit that serves as a guide for OST providers.
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Video: dna activities for kids - Yahoo Search Results Video Search Results This video designed for kids is a fun/exciting way to introduce DNA to children. In this video kids will learn facts all about DNA, what it is made of, chromosomes, traits and much more. There are additional DNA teaching resources, including a free lesson plan found here.
Student Activity: PLT_GreenJobs_MonitoringForestHealth.pdf Through a variety of health indicators, learners assess the health of a forested area and see how soil scientists, wildlife biologists, arborists, and other forest professionals monitor forests. This activity supports STEM identity by relati through role model and career connections.
Student Activity: How To Make Seed Bombs - Little Bins for Little Hands Kick off your spring science with a fun Earth Day activity and make seed bombs with your kids! Super easy and fun to make, help youth connect to their impact on the environment start a new tradition to celebrate Earth Day and learn how to make seed bombs or seed balls. This website also features other STEM activities for kids in environmental education.
Student Activity: Do-It-Yourself DNA | STEM Activity (sciencebuddies.org) In this activity, you will make your own DNA extraction kit from household chemicals and use it to extract DNA from strawberries.
Student Activity: Investigate Alien Genetics | Lesson Plan (sciencebuddies.org) Students model how traits are passed on from parents to their offspring by creating baby aliens based on the alien parents' traits. As students compare the physical features of their alien families, they will be able to make the connection between an organism's genotype and phenotype. Students will also learn the difference between dominant and recessive traits.
Student Activity: Extracting Onion DNA | Science Project (sciencebuddies.org)In this project, you'll learn how to isolate DNA from onion cells, separating it from other cellular components in a manner that still preserves its structure and sequence. In the end, you'll have enough DNA to see with the unaided eye, and you'll be able to spool it to demonstrate its strand-like structure.

March 2024
Special Opportunities
Explore Genomics with DNA Extraction Experiments
Celebrate DNA Day (April 25th) throughout April by peaking student interest in careers in genomics with Illumina. Looking for an activity to celebrate? Get your supply list, demo videos and instructions at dnaday.org/diy-dna-extraction/
Share your celebrations on social media using the hashtag #Genomics4All for a chance to win prizes!
Find more free resources at www.dnaday.org
Project Brainy
Project Brainy is a six-session neuroscience-based curriculum designed for out of school time (OST) programs. The curriculum enables middle-school students to build social-emotional skills, engage in interactive STEM learning and increase literacy. Summer and fall 2024 OST programs are invited to apply to participate in a research project to study the implementation of the curriculum. Selected programs will receive training and ongoing support on the curriculum and a $1,500 participation stipend. Learn more and apply here.
Professional Development
ACRES Coaching: Make Math Engaging
Wednesdays: 3/6, 3/20, and 4/3/2024 2:00 - 4:00 pm EST / 11:00 - 1:00 pm PST
Are you looking for fun ways to help youth build number sense and problem-solving skills? Math can take on new meaning when it is integrated into daily routines in our afterschool programs. In this module, afterschool educators will explore and practice strategies for making math engaging and accessible. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC361MP (Coach Hannah L)
Info Session about Micro-credentials and Digital Badging
Wednesday, March 6th 6:00 - 7:00pm EST / 3:00 - 4:00pm PST
ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to offer additional Information Sessions about STEM micro-credentials, which are competency-based, digital badges for afterschool and out-of-school professionals offered through the National Afterschool Association. These sessions are free, live, interactive, and one hour in length. You will learn about what Micro-credentials are and how to apply for them. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM, choose the date that works best for you, and we'll reach out to you with the Zoom link. FMI contact acres@mmsa.org (Note: It isn’t necessary to attend more than one informational session as the content is consistent.)
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion
● Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework. Dive into the three main components of the Framework below:
○ Increasing Access - Strategies that address barriers to participation and build on the experiences within the community.
○ Youth Centric - Strategies that build on the specific strengths, needs, and challenges of youth.
○ Skill Development - Strategies that are personally relevant to youth and enable them to develop STEM and 21st century skills.
Focusing on Cultural Competency in STEM Education: Research on how to promote educators’ cultural competence to spark and increase diverse students’ interest in science learning. This article provides five strategies, or steps, to become more culturally competent.
SciGirls Strategies: How to Engage Girls in STEM: SciGirls empowers you to create a more gender equitable and culturally responsive learning environment that inspires, engages, and helps girls thrive in STEM. This book outlines our educational approach, rooted in what research has revealed engages girls in STEM. These strategies have also been proven to work with all learners. Everyone benefits from a gender equitable approach to STEM!
Engineering Mindsets
EdWeek Webinar: Close the Gender Gap: Getting Girls Excited about STEM - In this webinar recording, learn from women leaders from Logitech and Girls Who Code as they discuss the importance of early cheerleaders, real-life role models, and women support networks.
Service Learning in STEM: A collection of articles, links, and other resources on why Service Learning is important, resources to support Service Learning, and Service Learning to give STEM learning a real life context.
How can Students’ Everyday Experiences Support Science Learning Through Engineering Design?: Article provides best practices for educators to design and introduce engineering design challenges that are relevant to students' lived experiences. It provides a list of recommended actions to take and how to attend to equity throughout the process.
Role Models, Mentors, and Families
Role models, mentors, and family engagement in a young person’s STEM education leads to increased interest, greater self-confidence, and ultimately a stronger STEM identity. Developing a science-related identity increases the likelihood that students will work toward developing science literacy, or even pursue a career in a science or STEM-related field.
Role Models and Mentors: Contains an extensive list of places to find a variety of role models, speaker bureaus, and mentoring resources. The site includes FabFems, MentorNet, and Women@NASA.
Which role models are effective for which students?: Four concrete recommendations for ensuring that STEM role models are motivating for students of all backgrounds and demographics—an important step toward diversifying STEM.
How to be an effective STEM role model: Advice to share with potential role models, and staff who are role models, on how to communicate the message in the most effective way.
STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool: A planning tool to support programs in uplifting and empowering all youth and families in STEM.
These assets featuring IF/THEN® Ambassadors Roselin Rosario-Meléndez, Cosmetic Chemist, and Terry Burns, Technology Investor, can be used in marketing, social media, and conference presentations.
Samantha Porte page, including profile, videos, images, and other assets.
Aisha Lawrey page, including profile, videos, images, and other assets.
STEM Pathways and Transitions
Research tells us that continuous engagement and exposure rather than limited one-time opportunities are needed to nurture the interest and motivation necessary for children to pursue STEM pathways long term. The Moonshot aims to understand and support transitions and handoffs that remove barriers for youth by connecting STEM learning across ages and settings, ensuring youth interest and motivation persists.
Possible Futures — Career Exploration Curriculum: Open source curriculum that complements and enriches both school and afterschool settings 1) expanding career awareness through authentic experiential learning opportunities; 2) encouraging students to explore their diverse interests, talents, and options; 3) enlivening STEM subjects by bringing in real-world and career contexts; 4) empowering students to develop vital employability skills; and 5) engaging students in making informed choices.
Below are some adaptations of the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum specifically for afterschool and summer programs:
Communicating & Collaborating: Twelve lessons that combine lessons from the Communication and Collaboration units from the Skills for Success module from the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum
Career Exploration Activities: Designed specifically for Out-of-School Time (OST) providers looking for engaging hands-on and collaborative activities:
Health Sciences (6 activities + career posters)
Information Technology (4 activities)
Lenses on the Future - Self (7 activities)
● The Connected Learning Research Network: Reflections on a Decade of Engaged Scholarship: This report from the Connected Learning Research Network (CLRN) presents a vision for understanding and revitalizing the ways in which we support learning during these changing times. This report synthesizes a varied set of content and perspectives: empirical research on the changing landscape of new media and learning, design principles, evaluation approaches, learner and case studies oriented to identifying and spreading positive innovations.
● Toolkit: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunities: A Hive Research Lab toolkit to explore the various ways in which out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering - supporting the identity development, social capital building and long-term, interest-driven learning across settings actively connecting program participants to new learning opportunities.
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Mathematics & Probability Science Activity: Asked to get an estimate for the famed mathematical constant, Pi, you might do what the ancient Greeks did: Divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter. Or you can estimate Pi by a less conventional method: the random tossing of toothpicks!
Cutting Pi: Mathematics & Measurement Science Activity: Cutting string diameters from a string circumference is a physical (kinesthetic) way to divide the circumference of a circle by its diameter. No matter what circle you use, you’ll be able to cut three complete diameters and have a small piece of string left over.
Build a Bird Nest: Different types of birds lay their eggs in different places. Some build tiny nests in bushes, some build enormous nests in tall trees. Some lay their eggs directly on the ground or on rocky ledges. Those that build nests use many different types of materials. In this project kids try to build their own bird nest using only natural materials that you can find outside. Birds are engineers too!
Explore Biodiversity Using a Homemade Bug Vacuum!: Kids use engineering skills to support the role of a wildlife biologist. Kids create a bubble vacuum to collect and examine the biodiversity of bugs and other small invertebrates (such as spiders, centipedes, and roly-polies) in their neighborhood using a homemade bug vacuum!
M&M Survival Challenge: Test how mimicry works by using M&M and Skittles candies as the prey. Hunt for the M&M animals but at the same time avoid the poisonous Skittles animals. Will the camouflaged M&M's have a better chance of survival? Learn about animal survival in a fun context.

February 2024
Special Opportunities
Tech Talk Tuesday
Join STEM Professionals - from analysts to business transformation managers - on February 27th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET for a conversation about STEM careers. Programs, classrooms, and students can tune into a live conversation with professionals working globally at Verizon. Register here.
*It is highly recommended that students have their own device OR are paired 2-4 students per device. This will help with live Q&A
Uplift Careers in Genomics with Free DNA Kits and Live Career Chats
Celebrate DNA Day (April 25th) throughout April by peaking student interest in careers in genomics with Illumina. Find free resources at www.dnaday.org
On Feb. 13th, your organization can get access to free strawberry DNA extraction kits here.
Register for a virtual career chat with an Illumina STEM professional by Feb. 19th by completing this form.
Professional Development
Click2Engineering: Asking Purposeful Questions Coaching
2/1; 2/15; 3/7 from 12:00 - 2:00pm EST / 9:00 - 11:00am PST
Click2Engineering is offering an ACRES
(Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM)
training on Asking Purposeful Questions in February and
March 2024. ACRES supports educators who engage
youth in STEM learning experiences. This training is fully
virtual and FREE with the goal of moving the needle
on your skills to facilitate quality STEM experiences
regardless of the age of youth you serve.
We keep things casual but ask you to engage in your
learning - this is NOT a series of passive webinars but
a three-step interactive professional learning series to build your skills, network, and apply your learning in an immediate way to your work environment. Space is limited. Register here.
Click2ComputerScience: Building Strong Teen Leaders
February 14th 12:00 - 1:30pm EST / 9:00 - 10:30am PST
Prepare yourself to support the growth and development of young staff members and teen volunteers. This workshop will provide resources, strategies, and ideas from the Click2ComputerScience team and an engaging discussion with colleagues. REGISTER HERE
ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions
Wednesdays: 2/28, 3/13, 4/3/2024 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST / 10:00 - 12:00 pm PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC347PQ (Coach Becky T)
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion
● Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework. Dive into the three main components of the Framework below:
○ Increasing Access - Strategies that address barriers to participation and build on the experiences within the community.
○ Youth Centric - Strategies that build on the specific strengths, needs, and challenges of youth.
○ Skill Development - Strategies that are personally relevant to youth and enable them to develop STEM and 21st century skills.
The Black Girls Create Project: A Pilot Culturally Responsive Informal STEM Learning Program: The program model encourages (1) the use of social history (i.e., learning about Black women's contributions to STEM), (2) culturally responsive instruction (i.e., anchoring STEM learning within the cultural context of girls’ lives), (3) mentorship from young, diverse scientific role models, and (4) the development of transferable STEM skills through design and digital fabrication.
NGCP Webinar: Choosing Toys to Inspire Young Girls in STEM - Science and engineering toys have a long history of being marketed to boys. Now, toy designers – and the parents and caregivers purchasing toys – are moving toward more equitable options regarding STEM toy offerings and the type of play that young children are encouraged to engage in. In this webinar recording, learn about research, resources, and innovative new toys to support girls' playful learning of the STEM skills they need to reach their full potential.
Engineering Mindsets
Engineering Mindset Overview: An engineering mindset refers to the attitudes and thinking skills associated with engineering — using a systematic engineering design process, considering real-world problems, applying math and science, and working in teams. The Moonshot focuses on 10 engineering practices. An overview of each practice follows and subsequent briefs will explore each one individually.
Engineering Design Process: This resource helps educators understand the design process and how to facilitate engineering activities with youth in their programs. Offers printable posters and resources to display in the classroom.
What is Engineering Design and the Engineering Design Process: One stop shop for Engineering including what is engineering, who are engineers and what they do and the Engineering Design process including videos and posters to help explain the process to youth and where to start.
A Million Miles Away Viewing Guide: NGCP developed an Educational Viewing Guide to accompany the film A Million Miles Away to support families, educators, and youth themselves to explore a range of STEM concepts and ideas related to space while also taking time to reflect on their dreams and future aspirations. The guide includes discussion questions for elementary, middle, and high school audiences, hands-on activities, and resources for families, youth, and educators to continue exploring space-related STEM concepts, projects, and careers.
Role Models, Mentors, and Families
Role models, mentors, and family engagement in a young person’s STEM education leads to increased interest, greater self-confidence, and ultimately a stronger STEM identity. Developing a science-related identity increases the likelihood that students will work toward developing science literacy, or even pursue a career in a science or STEM-related field.
Role Models Matter and Mentoring Works!: The National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity believes that one of the most effective ways to encourage students to consider nontraditional careers is to introduce them to diverse role models, particularly role models. This webpage serves as a resource for educators seeking STEM role models and mentors for their students.
Women of Color in STEM: The Past, Present, and Future: Learn about women who were ground breakers in STEM, organizations that support women in STEM and are approachable by educators, conferences, and a description of the educational path to STEM.
50 Black Women in STEM You Should Know About: Learn about 50 amazing women who are role models for success in STEM. Photos, biographies, and links to additional information can be found here.
● STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool: A planning tool to support programs in uplifting and empowering all youth and families in STEM.
These assets featuring IF/THEN® Ambassadors Roselin Rosario-Meléndez, Cosmetic Chemist, and Terry Burns, Technology Investor, can be used in marketing, social media, and conference presentations.
Adriana Bailey page, including profile, videos, images, and other assets.
Bea Mendez-Gandica page, including profile, videos, images, and other assets.
STEM Pathways and Transitions
Research tells us that continuous engagement and exposure rather than limited one-time opportunities are needed to nurture the interest and motivation necessary for children to pursue STEM pathways long term. The Moonshot aims to understand and support transitions and handoffs that remove barriers for youth by connecting STEM learning across ages and settings, ensuring youth interest and motivation persists.
Possible Futures — Career Exploration Curriculum: Open source curriculum that complements and enriches both school and afterschool settings 1) expanding career awareness through authentic experiential learning opportunities; 2) encouraging students to explore their diverse interests, talents, and options; 3) enlivening STEM subjects by bringing in real-world and career contexts; 4) empowering students to develop vital employability skills; and 5) engaging students in making informed choices.
Below are some adaptations of the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum specifically for afterschool and summer programs:
Career Literacy: Three units that combine the units Skills for Success and Lenses on the Future (from Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum). The units also provide a model for aligning Possible Futures with state Career Literacy Standards and the development of required individual student postsecondary plans.
Growing Myself: Twelve lessons that combine the Self unit from Lenses on the Future and the Growth Mindset unit from Skills for Success from the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum.
● The Connected Learning Research Network: Reflections on a Decade of Engaged Scholarship: This report from the Connected Learning Research Network (CLRN) presents a vision for understanding and revitalizing the ways in which we support learning during these changing times. This report synthesizes a varied set of content and perspectives: empirical research on the changing landscape of new media and learning, design principles, evaluation approaches, learner and case studies oriented to identifying and spreading positive innovations.
● Toolkit: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunities: A Hive Research Lab toolkit to explore the various ways in which out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering - supporting the identity development, social capital building and long-term, interest-driven learning across settings actively connecting program participants to new learning opportunities.
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
3D Printing by Hand: Students will explore how 3D printers work. Then, working in pairs, they will use the same methods used by 3D printers to create a 3D model of an object. This comes with a video for educators and a complete lesson plan.
Experiment with Parachutes: In this aerodynamics science project, kids test whether the size of the parachute is important for slowing down the speed of the fall. They make a series of parachutes from small to large and test how quickly they fall from the same height.
Marble Run Kit & Caboodle Activity: Don’t be misled by the word “kit” in the title! This activity plan uses easy to find materials to make a marble run (think marble roller coaster!). The “kit” is a complete lesson plan and video.
12 Great Ideas for Engineers Week: These quick, easy to implement, and fun activities highlight design process and engineering principles. Materials are easy to find at the grocery store or in the afterschool setting.

January 2024
Special Opportunities
STEM Family Partnership & Empowerment Project
The Institute for Resilience in Youth (ISRY) is leading an opportunity for Out-of-school time (OST) programs providing STEM to K-12 youth in Winter/Spring 2024 to study how to effectively partner with parents and caregivers. Selected programs will receive professional development, learning community support and a $2,500 stipend for their contributions.
Programs are encouraged to APPLY HERE by January 10, 2024. Contact Dr. Patty Allen, ISRY’s Director of Research with questions.
Earthrise - NASA’s Monthly Collection of Earth and Climate Science Resources
Earthrise will leverage NASA’s digital community of practice for educators, and a broad network of learners associated with NASA’s federal partners, to provide K-12 educators and learners with a focused, monthly collection of Earth and climate science resources from across the federal enterprise. Educators are now invited to register for this monthly engagement, with the first monthly collection of resources to be delivered in January and then monthly throughout the remainder of 2024. The primary focus is centered around access to Earth and climate resources for the K-12 community, with a regular working group to inform plans for carrying this through the summer and beyond as well.
This initiative began with intent to move the needle on educating our nation’s children and increasing their understanding of Earth and climate science, and the importance of protecting our home planet. The first issue will be released to educators in January 2024.
REGISTER NOW to receive Earthrise monthly collections of resources starting in January 2024.
2024 Solar Eclipse
Are you ready for the 2024 Solar Eclipse that will be visible across the U.S. on April 8, 2024? Join an informational webinar on January 23, 2024, 12-1pm ET with NASA’s Science Mission Directorate for an update on the plan for the April Eclipse.
Learn about:
● The science behind solar eclipses
● Connections to NASA’s study of the Sun
● How to view eclipses safely, and
● NASA’s latest plan for public and student engagement
Find local viewing events using this listing or create your own opportunity. Use NASA Resources, Videos, Lessons and Materials with students. Ensure Safe viewing - Everyone MUST wear solar eclipse glasses or use an alternate viewing method to look at any eclipse. Read more about eye safety during an annular eclipse on our web page and on this safety flier.
Prepare for Engineering Week 2024 - Welcome to the Future
Discover Engineering is hosting a 2024 Countdown to Engineers Week on January 17 at 12pm ET
The 2024 Engineering Week theme is: Welcome to the Future, which reminds us of the role we can play in engaging students in engineering and creating the next generation of innovators. It also recognizes the vital role engineers play in innovating solutions to problems past, present, and yet to be discovered.
January: National Mentoring Month
Talk Technology with Verizon Employees
January 30th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET
Give your students real-world applications of STEM
with a LIVE talk with STEM professionals.
With your students, tune into this live webinar,
to learn more about the day-to-day from professionals
working at a leading global communications technology
company. Students will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Professional Development
Click2ComputerScience: Preparing Yourself to Lead Computer Science Virtual Workshops
January 10, 12:00 - 1:30pm EST / 9:00 - 10:30am PST
Well-prepared CS learning experiences are relevant,
engaging, and appropriate for youth. Knowing how to
effectively prepare for computer science learning will
support inclusiveness and safety, and help you
maximize youth engagement.
This workshop focuses on selecting and planning
CS experiences for all your program participants.
ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions
Tuesdays: 1/16, 1/30, and 2/13/2024 6:00 - 8:00 pm EST / 3:00 - 5:00 pm PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC325PQ (Coach Emma C)
ACRES Coaching: Elevating Youth Voice and Choice (For OST professionals who have completed Asking Purposeful Questions)
Wednesdays: 1/17, 1/31, 2/14/2024 11am - 1pm EST / 8am - 10am PST
How often do youth in your program get to choose what they’re investigating or designing, the materials they might use and/or how they engage with the work? In this module, participants try out strategies for elevating youth voice and choice and apply the ideas as they redesign a STEM activity to incorporate a greater variety of youth input. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC346VC (Coach Becky T)
ACRES Coaching: Facilitating Engineering Practices
Mondays: 1/29, 2/12, 2/26/2024 12pm - 2pm EST / 9am - 11am PST
Engineering has become a staple of STEM programming for youth. How can we confidently bring engineering into our programming and support youth as they engage in problem solving? In this module, participants gain first-hand experience with engineering by solving a design problem. They examine the components of the engineering design process and discuss ways to model the process with youth.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC326EP (Coach Emma C)
ACRES: Info Session about Micro-credentials and Digital Badging
Tuesday January 16th 1:00 - 2:00pm EST / 10:00 - 11:00am PST
ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to offer additional Information Sessions about STEM micro-credentials, which are competency-based, digital badges for afterschool and out-of-school professionals offered through the National Afterschool Association. These sessions are free, live, interactive, and one hour in length. You will learn about what Micro-credentials are and how to apply for them. PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM, choose the date that works best for you, and we'll reach out to you with the Zoom link. FMI contact acres@mmsa.org (Note: It isn’t necessary to attend more than one informational session as the content is consistent.)
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion
● Access to STEM Framework: To improve the overall quality of out-of-school STEM programs, we need to address how program providers design and implement programming to increase access in STEM for youth who have been underrepresented in the STEM fields. Partnering with the National Girls Collaborative Project (NGCP) and national experts, we have developed an Access to STEM Framework — a guide for supporting program providers in this transformation. Download the Framework. Dive into the three main components of the Framework below:
○ Increasing Access - Strategies that address barriers to participation and build on the experiences within the community.
○ Youth Centric - Strategies that build on the specific strengths, needs, and challenges of youth.
○ Skill Development - Strategies that are personally relevant to youth and enable them to develop STEM and 21st century skills.
● Broadening Participating Toolkit: To help informal STEM education and science communication groups reflect on and strengthen their efforts to broaden participation in STEM, CAISE’s Broadening Participation in STEM Task Force has developed a suite of professional development tools.
● The Genius of Play: Six Ways to Combat STEM Stereotypes through Play - In this Genius of Play Expert Advice article, Dr. Amanda Sullivan, Senior Program Developer at NGCP, explains that play is the perfect place for early educators and caregivers to start combatting STEM stereotypes with young children. This article provides six easy ways educators and caregivers can foster play that breaks STEM stereotypes.
Engineering Mindsets
● Engineering Mindset Overview: An engineering mindset refers to the attitudes and thinking skills associated with engineering — using a systematic engineering design process, considering real-world problems, applying math and science, and working in teams. The Moonshot focuses on 10 engineering practices. An overview of each practice follows and subsequent briefs will explore each one individually.
○ Engineering Practices Part 1 Recorded Training: A Moonshot webinar recording to review the following three of the ten Engineering Practices: 1) Consider real-world problems, 2) Use a systemic problem-solving process, and 3) Explore the properties and uses of materials.
○ Engineering Practices Part 2 Recorded Training: A Moonshot webinar recording to review the following three of the ten Engineering Practices: 1) Balance criteria and constraints, 2) Apply science and math, and 3) Envision multiple solutions.
○ Engineering Practices Part 3 Recording Training: A Moonshot webinar recording to review the following three of the ten Engineering Practices: 1) Evaluate designs and iterate, 2) Persist and learn from failure, 3) Work effectively in teams, and 4) Identify as engineers.
● Service Learning and STEM: This concise two-page document lists connections between Service Learning and STEM. Multiple links to Spotlight on Service-Learning articles are also listed.
● Youth Advisory Board Town Hall: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Society: During this Town Hall, NGCP's Youth Advisory Board and esteemed experts discussed how communities and individuals can equip themselves with knowledge about AI and assess its potential influence on their lives.
Role Models, Mentors, and Families
Role models, mentors, and family engagement in a young person’s STEM education leads to increased interest, greater self-confidence, and ultimately a stronger STEM identity. Developing a science-related identity increases the likelihood that students will work toward developing science literacy, or even pursue a career in a science or STEM-related field.
● Creating Connections with Role Models: The Power of Collaboration: From Techbridge Girls, in collaboration with The National Girls Collaborative Project, this guide is intended to support leaders with the recruitment and preparation of role models to inspire girls in science, technology, and engineering. This is an outline of Techbridge’s “recipe for success” for role models, while encouraging you to make changes that best fit your needs.
● The Role of Diverse Mentorship in Education Equity - Mentors are uniquely positioned to help increase diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in STEM by serving as role models for individuals that look and identify like them, encouraging a more welcoming environment for continued growth for marginalized communities. Four IEEE members describe their personal experience and the impact that diverse role models made on their STEM careers.
● Role Models Matter Training: Virtual training program developed by Techbridge Girls to help role models develop the skills to best engage girls from marginalized communities.
● STEM Family Engagement Planning Tool: A planning tool to support programs in uplifting and empowering all youth and families in STEM.
These assets featuring IF/THEN® Ambassadors Roselin Rosario-Meléndez, Cosmetic Chemist, and Terry Burns, Technology Investor, can be used in marketing, social media, and conference presentations.
● Roselin Rosario-Meléndez page, including profile, videos, images, and other assets.
● Terry Burns page, including profile, videos, images, and other assets.
Continuous STEM Learning Pathways
Research tells us that continuous engagement and exposure rather than limited one-time opportunities are needed to nurture the interest and motivation necessary for children to pursue STEM pathways long term. The Moonshot aims to understand and support transitions and handoffs that remove barriers for youth by connecting STEM learning across ages and settings, ensuring youth interest and motivation persists.
● Possible Futures — Career Exploration Curriculum: Open source curriculum that complements and enriches both school and afterschool settings 1) expanding career awareness through authentic experiential learning opportunities; 2) encouraging students to explore their diverse interests, talents, and options; 3) enlivening STEM subjects by bringing in real-world and career contexts; 4) empowering students to develop vital employability skills; and 5) engaging students in making informed choices.
Below are some adaptations of the Possible Futures Career Exploration Curriculum specifically for afterschool and summer programs:
○ Career Foundations Adaptation: A collection of 14 lessons, a streamlined combination of the Lenses on the Future and Skills for Success units of Possible Futures curriculum.
○ College and Career Readiness Toolkit: Maryland Out of School Time (MOST) embedded the Career Foundations Unit of Possible Futures into this toolkit that serves as a guide for OST providers.
● The Connected Learning Research Network: Reflections on a Decade of Engaged Scholarship: This report from the Connected Learning Research Network (CLRN) presents a vision for understanding and revitalizing the ways in which we support learning during these changing times. This report synthesizes a varied set of content and perspectives: empirical research on the changing landscape of new media and learning, design principles, evaluation approaches, learner and case studies oriented to identifying and spreading positive innovations.
● Toolkit: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunities: A Hive Research Lab toolkit to explore the various ways in which out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering - supporting the identity development, social capital building and long-term, interest-driven learning across settings actively connecting program participants to new learning opportunities.
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Can Plants Stop Soil Erosion?: Intermediate level environmental engineering activity lasting 2-4 weeks. Oil erosion can cost the world billions of dollars every year by washing pollutants into our streams and rivers and by causing the loss of farmland. What can you do about this problem? Help save the world (and some money!) with nothing more than a few plants!
Build a Jumping Robot: Intermediate level mechanical engineering activity lasting 2-5 days. Can you build a robot that hops like a frog? In this engineering project, you will learn how to build a simple robot that uses the energy stored in a stretched rubber band to jump. You will use the engineering design process to try to make your robot jump higher and farther. How far can you make it jump?
Gravity: It's What Keeps Us Together: This set of ten easy to understand activities use math to understand gravity on Earth and in space. The activities are kid-centered (for example, what would I weigh on Mars) and use math in an integrated format.
Space Weather Math: These hands-on activities combine an understanding of math with an understanding of weather and climate. Easy to prep, do, and follow up.
Beginner's Guide to Aerodynamics: Highly engaging activities for grades 5-8 and 9-12 combine math and engineering to create model planes.

December 2023
Special Opportunities
Computer Science Week
CSEdWeek is December 4-10, 2023, and ‘tis the season to excite your students with computer science activities. Find ready-to-implement activities in the Hour of Code 2023 Kit.
Celebrating Hour of Code? Register your event here. Get tips and resources here!
Hour of Code 2023 Kit
Code.org has provided an Hour of Code 2023 Kit to give facilitators easy to implement activities to last through the end of the year! Find the Kit here and look for opportunities to recognize Native American Heritage Month, #NationalSTEMDay, Computer Science Education week and more!
Find the Hour of Code 2023 Kit Here
Surprisingly STEM is a video series that highlights exciting and unexpected careers at NASA. This series is designed to inform students about the broad range of career opportunities at NASA – outside of the typical associations of rocket scientists and astronauts – and to break down perceived barriers for working at the agency.
Monthly Release of new pre recorded 5 minute career episode
Associated STEAM Activities
Monthly Live Session with NASA expert to answer Student Questions
December 2023 - Marine Biologists
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center is known for its launch pads, rocket launches and cutting-edge technology -- it’s also a national wildlife refuge! NASA has a team of biologists whose mission is to protect and preserve threatened and endangered species living near launch sites. Biologists Eric Reyier, PhD, and Bonnie Ahr share how their ecological work contributes to the agency’s larger mission and how they personally ended up on a boat in the Florida wetlands doing exciting work for NASA.
2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse
Are you ready for the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses that will be visible across the US on October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024? Connect with NASA to engage students and families:
Find local viewing events using this listing or creating your own opportunity.
Use NASA Resources, Videos, Lessons and Materials with students.
Ensure Safe viewing
Everyone MUST wear solar eclipse glasses or use an alternate viewing method to look at any eclipse. Read more about eye safety during an annular eclipse on our web page and on this safety flier.
Professional Development
Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training
Tuesday: December 12th at 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
December 12th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Orchestration
Use fractions to create musical compositions, then
perform the compositions using found instruments
(pans, boxes, pencils, whistles). Create new combinations
and permutations for the music fractions.
Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive
Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections).
Previous Training Recordings: April, May, June, July, August, September, and October
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion in Computer Science: DEI Bytes - The Alliance for Identity Inclusive Computing Education’s "DEI Bytes" lesson series on YouTube focuses on developing equitable teaching skills for CS education, including topics on ableism, unconscious bias, and computing access.
Engineering Mindsets/Computer Science: AI 101 for Teachers - This is a free, foundational online learning series for educators interested in AI. The series features lessons from Code.org, ETS, ISTE and Khan Academy to demystify AI, explore responsible implementation, address bias, and showcase how AI-powered learning can revolutionize.
Engineering Mindsets/Computer Science: Teach Computer Science & Coding to Kids - This Google sponsored site supports educators to engage youth in coding activities. It’s free, fun, and no computer science experience is required. The lessons are video based and cover a variety of subjects.
Engineering Mindsets: Free STEM Resources for Girls and Women Who Want to Work in Data Science, Machine Learning and AI - This site lists activities for children, STEM resources especially for girls, math resources, and resources for teens. The resources focus on areas that depend on math and where women are most underrepresented.
Engineering Mindsets Video: NASA’s Women in STEM 2023 - In this video, NASA celebrates Women's History Month 2023 by launching a new campaign to mobilize women at NASA to participate in student-centered activities as STEM mentors and role models. A transcript of the video Is available to connect to other resources.
Role Models Assets From the IF/THEN® COLLECTION: These assets featuring IF/THEN® Ambassadors, Neha Murad, Computational Biologist and Jennifer Stimpson Educator, Innovator and Scientist, can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, and conference presentations.
NGCP Webinar: Meet STEM Picture Book Author and Founder of Let’s Engineer! Sheryl Haft - This webinar is an exciting meet-and-greet event with Sheryl Haft, Founder of Let’s Engineer! and the author of the new book Mazie’s Amazing Machines. The book features dynamic illustrations, a fun fold-out spread, and even a QR code to meet Mazie in augmented reality 3-D that is sure to inspire budding engineers and creative out-of-the-box thinking. Join the event live (09/28/2023) or watch the recording to learn about activities and discussion prompts to inspire girls and all young children in engineering!
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Code.org's Free CS curriculum - Free, flexible, and fun curriculum for every grade level (elementary, middle, and high school), includes lesson plans, videos, slides, assessments, and programming tools.
Hour of Code Activities - A collection of one-hour tutorials designed for all ages in over 45 languages. Join millions of students and teachers in over 180 countries starting with an Hour of Code!
What Are the Chances? - This activity includes and introductory video to illustrate the activity. Youth experiment with probability to tell how likely it is that an event will occur. (This means that for certain events you can actually calculate how likely it is that they will happen.) In this activity, youth will do these calculations and then test if your calculations hold true for reality.
Educator Guide: Make a Planetary Exploration Balloon - This activity for grades 3-12 uses math and engineering to design a balloon and gondola system capable of supporting weight. In this design challenge students will then determine the mass needed to cause the balloon to ascend at a given rate, descend at a given rate, and/or maintain a constant altitude over a set period of time.

November 2023
Special Opportunities
Surprisingly STEM Video Series
Surprisingly STEM is a video series that highlights exciting and unexpected careers at NASA. This series is designed to inform students about the broad range of career opportunities at NASA – outside of the typical associations of rocket scientists and astronauts – and to break down perceived barriers for working at the agency.
Monthly Release of new pre recorded 5 minute career episode
Associated STEAM Activities
Monthly Live Session with NASA expert to answer Student Questions
November 2023 - Wind Tunnel Engineers
We’re big fans of Sam Zauber and Frank Quinto – two wind tunnel test engineers at NASA’s Langley Research Center! You’ll be blown away as you learn how NASA uses its 14-foot by 22- foot subsonic wind tunnel. See some of the fascinating things Frank and Sam have tested there and learn what propelled them into their exciting STEM careers.
December 2023 - Marine Biologists
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center is known for its launch pads, rocket launches and cutting-edge technology -- it’s also a national wildlife refuge! NASA has a team of biologists whose mission is to protect and preserve threatened and endangered species living near launch sites. Biologists Eric Reyier, PhD, and Bonnie Ahr share how their ecological work contributes to the agency’s larger mission and how they personally ended up on a boat in the Florida wetlands doing exciting work for NASA.
2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse
Are you ready for the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses that will be visible across the US on October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024? Connect with NASA to engage students and families:
Find local viewing events using this listing or creating your own opportunity.
Use NASA Resources, Videos, Lessons and Materials with students.
Ensure Safe viewing
Everyone MUST wear solar eclipse glasses or use an alternate viewing method to look at any eclipse. Read more about eye safety during an annular eclipse on our web page and on this safety flier.
Professional Development
ACRES Coaching: Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections
Mondays: 11/6/2023, 11/20/2023, 12/4/2023 3 - 5pm EST / 11 am - 1pm PST
How do you help youth recognize their role in STEM? How do you help youth learn about STEM careers? Participants experience several easy-to-implement strategies, including a photo-elicitation activity that can help youth form STEM identities, and then learn how to conduct related activities with youth. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC323ID
Tuesdays: 11/28/2023, 12/12/2023, 12/19/2023 11:30am - 1:30pm EST / 8:30 - 10:30am PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend.
Choose the cohort AC344PQ (Coach Becky T)
Register for this cohort here.
ACRES Coaching: Make Math Engaging
Mondays: 11/13/2023, 11/27/2023, 12/11/2023 2:00 - 4:00 pm EST / 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PST
Are you looking for fun ways to help youth build number sense and problem-solving skills? Math can take on new meaning when it is integrated into daily routines in our afterschool programs. In this module, afterschool educators will explore and practice strategies for making math engaging and accessible.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC343MP
Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training
Tuesdays: November 28th and December 12th at 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
November 14th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Discovering Music Fractions
Identify and represent parts of fractions using music
and explore combinations and permutations, or ways
of creating variety while still using the same elements.
December 12th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Orchestration
Use fractions to create musical compositions, then
perform the compositions using found instruments
(pans, boxes, pencils, whistles). Create new combinations
and permutations for the music fractions.
Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive
Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections).
Previous Training Recordings: April, May, June, July, August, September, and October
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion Podcast: Empowering Change: Women and Girls in STEM - Join host, Nancy Scales-Coddington, Director of Strategic Partnerships for NGCP, for thought-provoking discussions, expert insights, and inspiring stories. We shed light on the challenges faced by women and girls in STEM fields and how we can change that narrative.
Equity and Inclusion Youth Voice: How Two High School Students Are Advocating for Women of Color in STEM - Srinija and Jahnavi have written a book that introduces readers to women of color who became successful in STEM.
Equity and Inclusion: Disrupting Ableism and Advancing STEM: A National Leadership Summit - The National Academies hosted a summit and series of follow-up events that examined how ableism in STEM can keep people with disabilities from engaging and thriving in these fields, and explored how to advance STEM by creating more inclusive environments.
Role Models Assets From the IF/THEN® COLLECTION: These assets featuring IF/THEN® Ambassadors, Neha Murad, Computational Biologist and Jennifer Stimpson Educator, Innovator and Scientist, can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, and conference presentations.
Role Models and Volunteers — Recruit STEM Experts as Volunteers
Less than 50% of high school girls know a woman in a STEM career. Let’s change that - recruit STEM professionals to support the youth you serve today!
The Moonshot helps to connect STEM experts with OST programs! Share your program’s volunteer opportunities for STEM experts to work with your youth today! Register here to find role models and mentors in STEM. -
Family Engagement: Creating Pathways for Equity in STEM Through Family Engagement - This research paper describes the history, findings, and recommendations to reach underrepresented youth in STEM. The findings underscore the importance of family involvement and lists recommendations to change behaviors and the STEM pipeline.
Partnerships: NGCP Blog - Empowering Montana's Future: Unleashing the Impact of NGCP State Collaborative - In each state, the National Girls Collaborative Project model creates a network of professionals, researchers, and practitioners, who facilitate collaboration and deliver high-quality, research-based professional development. Learn more in this blog post that highlights the Montana Girls STEM Collaborative!
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
49 STEM Activities to Engage Your Students on National STEM Day - To celebrate National STEM Day share these diverse. fun, hands-on activities to get youth engaged and passionate about STEM subjects. All of the activities use familiar materials that can be found in the afterschool center or in a supermarket. For example, Bouncing Sums gets kids moving around while learning basic math.
Puzzle Fun with a Perimeter Magic Triangle - This collection of geometry games is known as the Perimeter Magic Triangle Puzzles. It includes both math and science. These fun activities make it easy to find materials to encourage kids to continue doing the activities at home.
Earthquake Rollers - This engineering activity focuses on ways to keep people safe in earthquake zones. Earthquakes can cause serious damage to buildings and even loss of human life. Youth participate in this hands-on engineering activity to find out if engineers can keep the millions of people in earthquake zones safe.
STEM Activities for Families - Family engagement is a key factor in developing a positive STEM identity and success in STEM. These easy to implement, fun hands-on activities can be shared with families. The activities focus on engineering, technology, and math skills and content.

October 2023
Special Opportunities
Lights on Afterschool - October 26, 2023
It’s on! We’re proud to be joining the Afterschool Alliance and thousands of out-of-school time programs in the largest nationwide showcase of afterschool programs during the 24th annual Lights On Afterschool celebration on October 26th!
Afterschool programs provide the fun, safe, and engaging environment that youth need to emerge from the pandemic confident and hopeful. On October 26, we’re helping to shine a light on the important role of afterschool programs in our community - and you can too!
There's still time to sign up and join the celebration - No matter how big or small, all celebrations count! Help make this year the brightest Lights On celebration yet!
#LightsOnAfterschool events are happening all over IOWA - Check out the event database and visit a celebration in your neighborhood - Lights On Afterschool: Find an event (afterschoolalliance.org).
Professional Development
ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions
Wednesdays: 10/4/2023, 10/18/2023, 11/1/2023 6:00 - 8:00 pm EST / 3:00 - 5:00 pm PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort.
ACRES Coaching: Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections
Mondays: 11/6/2023, 11/20/2023, 12/4/2023 3 - 5pm EST / 12 pm - 2pm PST
How do you help youth recognize their role in STEM? How do you help youth learn about STEM careers? Participants experience several easy-to-implement strategies, including a photo-elicitation activity that can help youth form STEM identities, and then learn how to conduct related activities with youth.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC323ID
ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions
Tuesdays: 11/28/2023, 12/12/2023, 12/19/2023 11:30am - 1:30pm EST / 8:30 - 10:30am PST)
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination,
and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand
and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning
through the questions we ask them? This module is a
great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning.
Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort
as a way to connect with other educators across the
country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice.
This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to
other opportunities.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend.
Choose the cohort AC344PQ (Coach Becky T)
Register for this cohort at https://acrescoaching.org/modules/asking-purposeful-questions/
Click2Engineering: Engineering Mindset Fall Community of Practice
Thursdays October 12, and October 26 2:30 - 3:30 EST / 11:30 AM - 12:30PM PST
The Click2Engineering community of practice (CoP) introduces out-of-school time educators to the basics of engineering and leading engineering activities with youth. The CoP is organized around the 10 Practices for an Engineering Mindset, and includes hands-on engineering activities, developing engineering experiences for youth, and learning skills to facilitate engineering practices. The CoP is 4 meetings over 6 weeks.
ACRES Coaching: Make Math Engaging
Mondays: 11/13/2023, 11/27/2023, 12/11/2023 2:00 - 4:00 pm EST / 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PST
Are you looking for fun ways to help youth build number sense and problem-solving skills? Math can take on new meaning when it is integrated into daily routines in our afterschool programs. In this module, afterschool educators will explore and practice strategies for making math engaging and accessible.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC343MP
Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training
Tuesdays: October 17, and November 28, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
October 17th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Composing Music (with Math!)
Experiment with repeating patterns and create
new arrangements using similar sounds
in different sequences.
November 14th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Discovering Music Fractions
Identify and represent parts of fractions
using music and explore combinations and
permutations, or ways of creating variety
while still using the same elements.
December 12th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Orchestration
Use fractions to create musical compositions,
then perform the compositions using found
instruments (pans, boxes, pencils, whistles).
Create new combinations and permutations
for the music fractions.
Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections).
Previous Training Recordings: April, May, June, July, August, and September
Scientific Adventures for Girls Math Curriculum Training
October 3, 10, and 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Harnessing the Magic of Math
Join us for a dynamic three-part virtual training series designed to breathe life into math through games, through meaningful, kid-friendly data analysis, and nature exploration. Our sessions focus on strategies that accommodate multiple grade levels and ability levels, helping you meet each student where they are. Prepare to turn your after-school program into a vibrant and engaging mathematical journey!
Session 1: Let’s Play
October 3rd 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Delve into the world where play meets mathematics. In this session, we'll explore how common game pieces, such as dominoes and dice, can be transformed into effective math teaching and exploration tools. You'll learn strategies for presenting math concepts in a playful, engaging manner, catering to different grade levels and ability levels. We'll discuss how games can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and cooperative learning among students.
Session 2: Data Detectives
October 10th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
In our second session, we'll focus on strategies to collect and analyze data in fun and meaningful ways. From measuring the bounce of different balls and exploring exponential decay by eating M&M’s, we'll demonstrate how students can become active participants in the world of gathering and interpreting data.
Session 3: Nature’s Numbers: Exploring Shapes & Patterns
October 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00 AM PST
In our final session, we will explore the geometric patterns and three-dimensional shapes that exist in the natural world, demonstrating how these can be used to enrich math learning. This session will equip you with strategies to engage all students, from the youngest to the oldest, and from beginner to advanced levels.
About Scientific Adventure for Girls: Scientific Adventures for Girls is a non-profit based in the Bay Area that’s
working to change the face of science by introducing girls in elementary school to hands-on STEM learning and removing systematic barriers.
November 9, 2023, 4:00-5:00PM EST / 1:00-3:00PM PST
In this workshop, participants will be introduced to the Python programming language and explore how to use Python to teach simple math concepts and engage students in computational thinking.
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Looking for activities you can implement in your afterschool program today? Say goodbye to googling or searching on Pinterest. Use the following activities in sequence to support youth in building an engineering mindset.
Build a Pizza Box Solar Oven - Use easily found materials to create an oven where students can cook s’mores. The activity answers the question “What has engineering got to do with me?” in a way that is fun.
Hands-On Math: Fraction Math Trees - This fun hands-on, kinesthetic and visual approach to learning about fractions produces “math art”.
Welcome to Space Math @ NASA - A collection of math videos, books, and activities that are sorted by grade level, science topic, NASA missions, and engineering topics. All activities are based on NASA Mission and projects.
STEM Lessons From Space: Mathematics - A collection of math and engineering activities, videos, and resources with a focus on the International Space Station.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - A collection of fun and easy activities for ages 4-18 that cover a broad spectrum of activities—everything from designing devices to address climate change to coding.
STEM Activities for Families - Family engagement is a key factor in developing a positive STEM identity and success in STEM. These easy to implement, fun hands-on activities can be shared with families. The activities focus on engineering, technology, and math skills and content.
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion Webinar: NGCP Webinar - Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA Resources in Action Webinar - The Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA program, part of NASA’s Universe of Learning, provides resources and experiences that enable youth, families, and lifelong learners to explore fundamental questions in astrophysics, experience how science is done, and discover the universe for themselves. Join NGCP for this exciting webinar on 10/17/2023 to hear directly from this year’s 2023 Girls STEAM Ahead with NASA stipend recipients who are using these free resources and get ideas to implement in your own programs!
Equity and Inclusion Best Practices: Best Practices for Diversity and Inclusion in STEM - The US government sponsored document is a comprehensive analysis of diversity and inclusion in STEM in Federal agencies. The lessons learned and recommendations are applicable to many environments including education in and out of school. It provides a summary of best practices that can be employed in implementing strategies to promote diversity and inclusion in the STEM workforce.
Engineering Mindset and Earth Week 2023: Earth Science Week 2023 - Earth Science Week, celebrated each October, reaches millions of people annually with activities, materials, and information about the geosciences. The theme of Earth Science Week 2023, is "Geoscience Innovating for Earth and People." The event (October 8-14, 2023), will emphasize the many ways that innovations in geosciences are helping communities create healthier and increasingly sustainable lives, while accelerating environmental problem-solving around the world. Find resources and learn more on the official website!
Engineering Mindsets Blog: NGCP Blog - Supporting Space STEM Education: Resources to Spark Curiosity and Inspire STEM Learning - This blog post shares a list of resources put together based on NGCP's experience at the National Space Council's Space STEM Forum along with the ongoing work of NGCP supporting gender equity in STEM.
Role Models and Mentors: 10 Amazing Latina Women In STEM - To celebrate Hispanic Heritage month, Raising Smart Girls has listed 10 Amazing Latina Women In STEM.
Role Models and Mentors Assets From the IF/THEN® Collection: Here are a few examples of role models from the IF/THEN Collection that can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, and for conferences presentations. More can be found in the MEDIA ASSET SECTION.
Role Models and Volunteers — Recruit STEM Experts as Volunteers
Less than 50% of high school girls know a woman in a STEM career. Let’s change that - recruit STEM professionals to support the youth you serve today!
The Moonshot helps to connect STEM experts with OST programs! Share your program’s volunteer opportunities for STEM experts to work with your youth today! Register here to find role models and mentors in STEM. -
Family Engagement: Creating Pathways for Equity in STEM Through Family Engagement - This research paper describes the history, findings, and recommendations to reach underrepresented youth in STEM. The findings underscore the importance of family involvement and lists recommendations to change behaviors and the STEM pipeline.
Partnerships: NGCP Blog - Empowering Montana's Future: Unleashing the Impact of NGCP State Collaborative - In each state, the National Girls Collaborative Project model creates a network of professionals, researchers, and practitioners, who facilitate collaboration and deliver high-quality, research-based professional development. Learn more in this blog post that highlights the Montana Girls STEM Collaborative!

September 2023
Special Opportunities
Techbridge Girls Curriculum Program with Training and Kits
Join us at an upcoming Techbridge Girls Information Session to learn more about our program offering for this Fall! Each of our services equips educators with gender- and culturally-responsive teaching tools and full program kitting materials to support youth persistence in STEM and expose girls to BIPOC peers and role models from STEM fields. Participation includes educator training, all materials and a stipend.
First Woman Camp Guide and Set of Hands on Activities
As NASA prepares to put the first woman on the Moon in the next few years through the Artemis Missions, join us in an opportunity to imagine the possibilities of future lunar exploration with your upper elementary and middle school students. This set of hands-on activities accompanies NASA’s “First Woman” graphic novel series, which tells the story of Callie Rodriguez, the first woman to explore the Moon. While Callie is a fictional character, the first female astronaut and person of color will soon set foot on the Moon. Intended for uses in afterschool and summer settings, this First Woman Camp Experience Guide will bring the excitement of NASA’s science and technology. Read the fictional story of Callie, the first woman and person of color on the Moon. Download the interactive graphic novel and mobile apps.
Register for Live Professional Development Webinar:
Use the Materials with Your Students
Register for a Live Q&A with Scientists and
Engineers working on the Artemis Mission
Surprisingly STEM Video Series
Surprisingly STEM is a video series that highlights exciting and unexpected careers at NASA. This series is designed to inform students about the broad range of career opportunities at NASA – outside of the typical associations of rocket scientists and astronauts – and to break down perceived barriers for working at the agency.
Monthly Release of new prerecorded 5-minute career episode
Associated STEAM Activities
Monthly Live Session with NASA expert to answer Student Questions
October 2023 - Thermal Blanket Technician
You’ll surely get wrapped up in this episode of Surprisingly STEM featuring Paula Cain, a thermal blanket technician at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. She covers why things sent into space need to be protected by a thermal blanket and shares how two of her passions – fashion design and Star Trek – were interwoven into an exciting career at NASA!
Click to register for a live Q&A on October 26 at 4pm ET
November 2023 - Wind Tunnel Engineers
We’re big fans of Sam Zauber and Frank Quinto – two wind tunnel test engineers at NASA’s Langley Research Center! You’ll be blown away as you learn how NASA uses its 14-foot by 22- foot subsonic wind tunnel. See some of the fascinating things Frank and Sam have tested there and learn what propelled them into their exciting STEM careers.
Click to register for the live Q&A on November 15 at 5pm ET
December 2023 - Marine Biologists
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center is known for its launch pads, rocket launches and cutting-edge technology -- it’s also a national wildlife refuge! NASA has a team of biologists whose mission is to protect and preserve threatened and endangered species living near launch sites. Biologists Eric Reyier, PhD, and Bonnie Ahr share how their ecological work contributes to the agency’s larger mission and how they personally ended up on a boat in the Florida wetlands doing exciting work for NASA.
Click to register for the live Q&A on December 6 at 5pm ET
2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipse
Are you ready for the 2023 and 2024 Solar Eclipses that will be visible across the US on October 14, 2023, and April 8, 2024. Connect with NASA to engage students and families:
Find local viewing events using this listing or
creating your own opportunity.
Use NASA Resources, Videos, Lessons and Materials
with students.
Ensure Safe viewing
Everyone MUST wear solar eclipse glasses or use an
alternate viewing method to look at any eclipse.
Read more about eye safety during an annular eclipse
on our web page and on this safety flier.
NGCP is looking for girl-serving organizations located along
the path of totality for the 2024 total solar eclipse to participate
in Einstein's Incredible Universe. This new project includes a
citizen science program aiming to capture and broadcast
solar images during the eclipse. ☀️ 🕶️ Organizations that cater
to high school or college girls in select cities are encouraged to apply.
Visit https://ngcproject.org/einsteins-incredible-universe to learn more.
Applications are due by September 20, 2023.
Professional Development
ACRES Coaching: Facilitating Science Practices
Wednesdays: 09/13/2023, 09/27/2023 10:30 am - 12:30 pm EST/ 7:30 - 9:30 am PST
How can we make sure that our ‘hands-on’ science experiences for youth are also ‘minds on?’ In this module, participants learn how to support youth as they engage in science practices to learn science ideas, including planning and conducting investigations around testable questions. They’ll talk about the similarities and differences between questioning in science versus questioning in engineering contexts.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC251VC
ACRES Coaching: Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections
Wednesdays: 09/20/2023, 10/04/2023, 10/18/2023 11:00 am - 1:00 pm EST/ 8:00 - 10:00 am PST
How do you help youth recognize their role in STEM? How do you help youth learn about STEM careers? Participants experience several easy-to-implement strategies, including a photo-elicitation activity that can help youth form STEM identities, and then learn how to conduct related activities with youth.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC360ID
ACRES Coaching: Asking Purposeful Questions
Wednesdays: 10/4/2023, 10/18/2023, 11/1/2023 6:00 - 8:00 pm EST / 3:00 - 5:00 pm PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort.
ACRES Coaching: Make Math Engaging
Mondays: 11/13/2023, 11/27/2023, 12/11/2023 2:00 - 4:00 pm EST / 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PST
Are you looking for fun ways to help youth build number sense
and problem-solving skills? Math can take on new meaning when
it is integrated into daily routines in our afterschool programs.
In this module, afterschool educators will explore and practice
strategies for making math engaging and accessible.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and
an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not
available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the
Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module.
ACRES Coaching: Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections Mondays: 11/6/2023, 11/20/2023, 12/4/2023 3 - 5PM EST / 11:00 am - 1:00 pm PST
How do you help youth recognize their role in STEM? How do you help youth learn about STEM careers? Participants experience several easy-to-implement strategies, including a photo-elicitation activity that can help youth form STEM identities, and then learn how to conduct related activities with youth.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC323ID
You’re a Computational Thinker Wednesday September 20th 12:00-1:00 PM EST / 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Learn what computational thinking means and
reflect on the ways in which you are already a
computational thinker. Learn how you can help
youth develop as computational thinkers and
leave with strategies you put into use right away.
Click2Engineering: Engineering Mindset Fall Community of Practice
Thursdays September 14, September 28, October 12, and October 26 2:30 - 3:30 EST / 11:30 AM - 12:30PM PST
The Click2Engineering community of practice (CoP) introduces out-of-school time educators to the basics of engineering and leading engineering activities with youth. The CoP is organized around the 10 Practices for an Engineering Mindset, and includes hands-on engineering activities, developing engineering experiences for youth, and learning skills to facilitate engineering practices. The CoP is 4 meetings over 6 weeks.
Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training
Tuesdays: September 19, October 17, and November 28, 2023, 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
September 19th 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
MusicMath: Unexpected Math, Creating Rhythms, and Making Rhythm Patterns
Create musical patterns, then repeat the patterns and think about how to represent the patterns using words, pictures, and symbols.
October 17th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Composing Music (with Math!)
Experiment with repeating patterns and create new arrangements using similar sounds in different sequences.
November 14th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Discovering Music Fractions
Identify and represent parts of fractions using music and explore combinations and permutations, or ways of creating variety while still using the same elements.
December 12th 1:00-2:00pm EST
MusicMath: Orchestration
Use fractions to create musical compositions, then perform the compositions using found instruments (pans, boxes, pencils, whistles). Create new combinations and permutations for the music fractions.
Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections).
Previous Training Recordings: April, May, June, July, and August
Scientific Adventures for Girls Math Curriculum Training
October 3, 10, and 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Harnessing the Magic of Math
Join us for a dynamic three-part virtual training series designed to breathe life into math through games, through meaningful, kid-friendly data analysis, and nature exploration. Our sessions focus on strategies that accommodate multiple grade levels and ability levels, helping you meet each student where they are. Prepare to turn your after-school program into a vibrant and engaging mathematical journey!
Session 1: Let’s Play
October 3rd 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Delve into the world where play meets mathematics. In this session, we'll explore how common game pieces, such as dominoes and dice, can be transformed into effective math teaching and exploration tools. You'll learn strategies for presenting math concepts in a playful, engaging manner, catering to different grade levels and ability levels. We'll discuss how games can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and cooperative learning among students.
Session 2: Data Detectives
October 10th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
In our second session, we'll focus on strategies to collect and analyze data in fun and meaningful ways. From measuring the bounce of different balls and exploring exponential decay by eating M&M’s, we'll demonstrate how students can become active participants in the world of gathering and interpreting data.
Session 3: Nature’s Numbers: Exploring Shapes & Patterns
October 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00 AM PST
In our final session, we will explore the geometric patterns and three-dimensional shapes that exist in the natural world, demonstrating how these can be used to enrich math learning. This session will equip you with strategies to engage all students, from the youngest to the oldest, and from beginner to advanced levels.
About Scientific Adventure for Girls: Scientific Adventures for Girls is a non-profit based in the Bay Area that’s
working to change the face of science by introducing girls in elementary school to hands-on STEM learning and removing systematic barriers.
STEM Flights
STEM Flights is a national nonprofit organization that combines STEM education with a free flight experience for middle and high school students. They pair students with Pilot Mentors in their geographic area to receive a flight experience, learn about aviation and STEM careers, and connect with local aviation enthusiasts. Students complete the STEM Flights application, study online aviation and STEM curriculum, and submit a letter of recommendation before they are matched with a pilot. Student applications are accepted year-round and in all 50 states.
Our mission is to create positive experiences in aviation and inspire America’s youth to pursue STEM and aviation careers. If you know a 6th-12th grade student who is interested in the world of STEM or aviation, encourage them to apply today! To learn more, please visit our website or reach out to stemedu@stemflights.org for additional information.
STUDENTS APPLY HERE! Student Application
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.stemflights.org
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Looking for activities you can implement in your afterschool program today? Say goodbye to googling or searching on Pinterest. Use the following activities in sequence to support youth in building an engineering mindset.
Build a Pizza Box Solar Oven - Use easily found materials to create an oven where students can cook s’mores. The activity answers the question “What has engineering got to do with me?” in a way that is fun.
Hands-On Math: Fraction Math Trees - This fun hands-on, kinesthetic and visual approach to learning about fractions produces “math art”.
Welcome to Space Math @ NASA - A collection of math videos, books, and activities that are sorted by grade level, science topic, NASA missions, and engineering topics. All activities are based on NASA Mission and projects.
STEM Lessons From Space: Mathematics - A collection of math and engineering activities, videos, and resources with a focus on the International Space Station.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - A collection of fun and easy activities for ages 4-18 that cover a broad spectrum of activities—everything from designing devices to address climate change to coding.
Supported by the Mott Foundation, Mizzen is available at no cost to afterschool professionals! Download the Mizzen By Mott app to access STEM activities at your finger-touch! You’ll find it in Mizzen here.
Featured Activities & Playlists
Playlist: STEAM Activities for Middle School at Home
Playlist: STEM Activities for K-5th Grade
Balloon Rockets Challenge
Less than 50% of high school girls know a woman in a STEM career. Let’s change that - recruit STEM professionals to support the youth you serve today!
The Moonshot helps to connect STEM experts with OST programs! Share your program’s volunteer opportunities for STEM experts to work with your youth today! Register here to find role models and mentors in STEM.
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion: NGCP Webinar - Breaking Stereotypes through Children's Books - Children benefit greatly from seeing themselves represented in the stories they read. Children's books have the power to counter stereotypes, challenge gender norms, and open minds to new perspectives and ideas. But it can be challenging for educators and caregivers to find quality children’s books that are diverse and representative, especially when it comes to STEM. This webinar recording features Dr. Dieuwertje “DJ” Kast, Ed.D. from the University of Southern California who will talk about her work diversifying STEAM picture books by collaborating with Room to Read on the STEAM-Powered Careers Book Collection, a 10-book series on a variety of groundbreaking and diverse careers in STEAM. This webinar also features Katherine Locke, author of the picture book What Are Your Words?: A Book About Pronouns. What Are Your Words? is a simple and poignant story about finding yourself and serves as a perfect introduction to gender-inclusive pronouns.
Equity and Inclusion: NGCP Blog - Picture Books to Break Stereotypes in STEM (and Beyond!) - Find a list (with links) to the best STEM picture books for young learners featuring diverse characters and girl-centered stories.
Engineering Mindset: NGCP Blog - Supporting Space STEM Education: Resources to Spark Curiosity and Inspire STEM Learning - This blog post shares a list of resources put together based on NGCP's experience at the National Space Council's Space STEM Forum along with the ongoing work of NGCP supporting gender equity in STEM.
Engineering Mindset and Math: Elementary & Middle School Math Club Ideas And Activities: From Set Up To Running It If you have always wanted to set up a math club but aren’t quite sure how to do it or what kind of math club activities you could use, then this blog should set you on the right path. Packed with math club ideas, tips and tricks from a teacher with over 20 years experience, after reading this post you will be in good shape to start your own club in no time at all.
Role and Models Resource: Hispanic Scientists and Engineers - This site lists the biographies several scientists who are Hispanic with bonus information including career connections and hands-on, minds-on activities for youth
Role Models and Mentor Resource: 10 Amazing Latina Women In STEM - To celebrate Hispanic Heritage month, Raising Smart Girls has listed 10 Amazing Latina Women In STEM.
STEM Handoffs and Transitions: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunity from the Hive Research Network shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering. We provide a framework, practice briefs and reports that focus on a particular issue or challenge and provide concrete examples, as well as illustrate how our partners worked through designing new brokering routines in partnership with our research team.
These assets feature IF/THEN Ambassador and Spaceflight Engineer, Dana Bolles, and can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, and for conferences presentations.
Paula Garcia Todd, Ambassador Profile
Minerva Cordero, Ambassador Profile
Jessica Taaffe, Ambassador Profile

August 2023
Special Opportunities
Techbridge Girls STEM Equity Learning Community- September - December 2023
Techbridge Girls is excited to announce that applications are
being accepted to All out-of-school time (OST) supervisors and
administrators for programs that serve Black, Indigenous, and
Latina girls and gender-expansive youth are encouraged to apply.
Participation in the CoP includes 4-5 sessions and stipends.
Techbridge Girls Curriculum Program with Training and Kits
Join us at an upcoming Techbridge Girls Information Session to learn more about our program offering for this Fall! Each of our services equips educators with gender- and culturally-responsive teaching tools and full program kitting materials to support youth persistence in STEM and expose girls to BIPOC peers and role models from STEM fields. Participation includes educator training, all materials and a stipend.
Information Sessions: August 8th at 3pm ET/ noon PST. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER HERE
Teen Science Cafe Moonshot Fellows
Become a Teen Science Café Fellow! Teen Science Cafes are a free, fun way for teens to engage in lively conversations with STEM experts that explore the advances in science and technology that affect their lives. In these events, teens socialize over teen-friendly food and drink and have a lively conversation with local scientists and engineers about current cutting-edge developments in their fields, all in a relaxed and informal out-of-school setting. Teen Science Cafés are for teens, by teens. Teen Science Cafés are not just for the science geeks; they are for all curious teens. Along the way, teen organizers gain a host of leadership skills. Cafés are typically run about an hour and a half once per month during the school year. A $2,500 stipend is provided to selected participants to support the implementation of Teen Science Cafes. APPLY TO BE A TEEN SCIENCE CAFE MOONSHOT FELLOW HERE
Professional Development
ACRES Coaching: Elevating Youth Voice and Choice: Mondays: 08/07/2023, 08/21/2023, 09/11/2023
3:00 - 5:00 pm EST/12:00 - 2:00 pm PST
How often do youth in your program get to choose what they’re investigating or designing, the materials they might use, and/or how they engage with the work? In this module, participants try out strategies for elevating youth voice and choice and apply the ideas as they redesign a STEM activity to incorporate a greater variety of youth input. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC251VC
Facilitating Science Practices: Wednesdays: 08/30/2023, 09/13/2023, 09/27/2023 10:30 am - 12:30 pm EST/ 7:30 - 9:30 am PST
How can we make sure that our ‘hands-on’ science
experiences for youth are also ‘minds on?’ In this
module, participants learn how to support youth as
they engage in science practices to learn science
ideas, including planning and conducting
investigations around testable questions. They’ll talk
about the similarities and differences between
questioning in science versus questioning in
engineering contexts.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC251VC
Nurturing STEM Identity and Making Career Connections Wednesdays: 09/20/2023, 10/04/2023, 10/18/2023 11:00 am - 1:00 pm EST/ 8:00 - 10:00 am PST
How do you help youth recognize their role in STEM?
How do you help youth learn about STEM careers?
Participants experience several easy-to-implement
strategies, including a photo-elicitation activity that
can help youth form STEM identities, and then learn
how to conduct related activities with youth.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC360ID
Click2Engineering: Engineering Mindset Fall Community of Practice Thursdays September 14, September 28, October 12, and October 26 2:30 - 3:30 EST / 11:30 AM - 12:30PM PST
The Click2Engineering community of practice (CoP) introduces out-of-school time educators to the basics of engineering and leading engineering activities with youth. The CoP is organized around the 10 Practices for an Engineering Mindset, and includes hands-on engineering activities, developing engineering experiences for youth, and learning skills to facilitate engineering practices. The CoP is 4 meetings over 6 weeks.
You’re a Computational Thinker Wednesday September 20th 12:00-1:00 PM EST / 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Learn what computational thinking means and
reflect on the ways in which you are already a
computational thinker. Learn how you can help
youth develop as computational thinkers and
leave with strategies you put into use right away.
Hiring Interns or Teen Leaders for the Summer? Asynchronous Course
Click2ComputerScience’s new course, Teens Learning to Lead, is a great way to help new interns get prepared for working with youth. It is a leadership course for high school and college-aged people designed for participants to complete on their own, or with a team. We recommend that teams who will be teaching together over the summer complete the course together. Participants will need a computer and a journal for reflecting on their learning. The reflection points can be the basis for discussions with a supervisor. mentor or coach that will help participants learn and grow as leaders.
This is a self-directed online learning experience offered at no cost by Click2ComputerScience. The course is divided into four units with a culminating experience that lets participants apply what they have learned.
See Teens Learning to Lead for yourself.
Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training Tuesdays: August 15, September 19, October 17, and November 28, 2023 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections). Previous Training Recordings: April, May, June
Scientific Adventures for Girls Math Curriculum Training
October 3, 10, and 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Harnessing the Magic of Math
Join us for a dynamic three-part virtual training series designed to breathe life into math through games, through meaningful, kid-friendly data analysis, and nature exploration. Our sessions focus on strategies that accommodate multiple grade levels and ability levels, helping you meet each student where they are. Prepare to turn your after-school program into a vibrant and engaging mathematical journey!
Session 1: Let’s Play
October 3rd 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Delve into the world where play meets mathematics. In this session, we'll explore how common game pieces, such as dominoes and dice, can be transformed into effective math teaching and exploration tools. You'll learn strategies for presenting math concepts in a playful, engaging manner, catering to different grade levels and ability levels. We'll discuss how games can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and cooperative learning among students.
Session 2: Data Detectives
October 10th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
In our second session, we'll focus on strategies to collect and analyze data in fun and meaningful ways. From measuring the bounce of different balls and exploring exponential decay by eating M&M’s, we'll demonstrate how students can become active participants in the world of gathering and interpreting data.
Session 3: Nature’s Numbers: Exploring Shapes & Patterns
October 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00 AM PST
In our final session, we will explore the geometric patterns and three-dimensional shapes that exist in the natural world, demonstrating how these can be used to enrich math learning. This session will equip you with strategies to engage all students, from the youngest to the oldest, and from beginner to advanced levels.
About Scientific Adventure for Girls: Scientific Adventures for Girls is a non-profit based in the Bay Area that’s
working to change the face of science by introducing girls in elementary school to hands-on STEM learning and removing systematic barriers.
Scientific Adventures for Girls Math Curriculum Training
October 3, 10, and 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Harnessing the Magic of Math
Join us for a dynamic three-part virtual training series designed to breathe life into math through games, through meaningful, kid-friendly data analysis, and nature exploration. Our sessions focus on strategies that accommodate multiple grade levels and ability levels, helping you meet each student where they are. Prepare to turn your after-school program into a vibrant and engaging mathematical journey!
Session 1: Let’s Play
October 3rd 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Delve into the world where play meets mathematics. In this session, we'll explore how common game pieces, such as dominoes and dice, can be transformed into effective math teaching and exploration tools. You'll learn strategies for presenting math concepts in a playful, engaging manner, catering to different grade levels and ability levels. We'll discuss how games can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and cooperative learning among students.
Session 2: Data Detectives
October 10th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
In our second session, we'll focus on strategies to collect and analyze data in fun and meaningful ways. From measuring the bounce of different balls and exploring exponential decay by eating M&M’s, we'll demonstrate how students can become active participants in the world of gathering and interpreting data.
Session 3: Nature’s Numbers: Exploring Shapes & Patterns
October 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
In our final session, we will explore the geometric patterns and three-dimensional shapes that exist in the natural world, demonstrating how these can be used to enrich math learning. This session will equip you with strategies to engage all students, from the youngest to the oldest, and from beginner to advanced levels.
About Scientific Adventure for Girls: Scientific Adventures for Girls is a non-profit based in the Bay Area that’s
working to change the face of science by introducing girls in elementary school to hands-on STEM learning and removing systematic barriers.
STEM Flights
STEM Flights is a national nonprofit organization that combines STEM education with a free flight experience for middle and high school students. They pair students with Pilot Mentors in their geographic area to receive a flight experience, learn about aviation and STEM careers, and connect with local aviation enthusiasts. Students complete the STEM Flights application, study online aviation and STEM curriculum, and submit a letter of recommendation before they are matched with a pilot. Student applications are accepted year-round and in all 50 states.
Our mission is to create positive experiences in aviation and inspire America’s youth to pursue STEM and aviation careers. If you know a 6th-12th grade student who is interested in the world of STEM or aviation, encourage them to apply today! To learn more, please visit our website or reach out to stemedu@stemflights.org for additional information.
STUDENTS APPLY HERE! Student Application
VISIT OUR WEBSITE: www.stemflights.org
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Looking for activities you can implement in your afterschool program today? Say goodbye to googling or searching on Pinterest. Use the following activities in sequence to support youth in building an engineering mindset.
First Woman Camp Experience: Hands-on activities that accompany NASA’s “First Woman” graphic novel series
James Webb Space Telescope STEM Toolkit: Virtual and classroom resources related to the James Webb Space Telescope.
Sun STEM Toolkit: Virtual and classroom resources related to the sun.
Sustainable Aviation STEM Toolkit: Virtual and classroom resources related to aviation.
NASA Coloring Pages: Color and learn about some faraway worlds with these coloring pages.
NASA for Students Grades K-4: Fun activities centered around all things NASA. Games, puzzles, color, and more.
Space Place Art Challenge: Space Place monthly art missions. Draw, color or paint the subject of the month.
Climate Kids: Learn about weather and climate through games, activities, and videos
Build to Launch with LEGO Education and Artemis I: An interactive digital learning adventure that explores the Artemis I mission to the Moon.
Clean Room - Europa Clipper: Watch this live YouTube stream as NASA’s Europa Clipper, is built and tested.
Learn the Phases of the Moon: Assemble a printable Moon Phases Calendar and Calculator.
Night Sky Network: Astronomy clubs bring the wonder of the universe to the public.
NASA Space Voyagers Game: A strategy card game where students explore the solar system.
Mars Scavenger Hunt!: Students participate in a Martian mission by completing the Mars scavenger hunt.
Supported by the Mott Foundation, Mizzen is available at no cost to afterschool professionals! Download the Mizzen By Mott app to access STEM activities at your finger-touch! You’ll find it in Mizzen here.
Featured Activities & Playlists
Playlist: STEAM Activities for Middle School at Home
Playlist: STEM Activities for K-5th Grade
Balloon Rockets Challenge
Less than 50% of high school girls know a woman in a STEM career. Let’s change that - recruit STEM professionals to support the youth you serve today!
The Moonshot helps to connect STEM experts with OST programs! Share your program’s volunteer opportunities for STEM experts to work with your youth today! Register here to find role models and mentors in STEM.
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion: Build the capacity of program providers using the “Access to STEM” Framework as a guide to your webinars, professional development, community of practices, or one-on-one conversations. The Framework is packed with strategies and tactics to create inclusive programs and activities for all learners.
Equity and Inclusion: Teaching Math to Students with Disabilities can be a rewarding challenge. Many of your students will have struggled with math for several years and will be delighted if math suddenly clicks for them. Here are a few strategies to help you successfully teach this population.
Engineering Mindset: National Aviation Day is August 13th! Use the following resources to highlight the connection between Engineering to aviation, flight, and all the STEM involved:
Try Engineering Lesson Plan: Take Flight! - This lesson for ages 8-12 explores how flight is possible and how engineers have improved glider designs and materials to improve flight accuracy and distance.
NASA’s Aerospace-related STEM Resources for K-12 - A collection of aerospace resources including lesson plans and more.
AeroEducate - AeroEducate is a Teacher’s Toolbox for aviation and STEM activities. Enhance your existing K-12 curriculum with free, standards-compliant, grab-and-go activities.
Engineering Mindset and Math: Elementary & Middle School Math Club Ideas And Activities: From Set Up To Running It If you have always wanted to set up a math club but aren’t quite sure how to do it or what kind of math club activities you could use, then this blog should set you on the right path. Packed with math club ideas, tips and tricks from a teacher with over 20 years experience, after reading this post you will be in good shape to start your own club in no time at all.
Role and Models Resource: Math and Science Mavens highlights some of the most influential women in STEM who have been integral to transforming these ideas into world-changing discoveries and inventions. Check out the seven rock star women from STEM fields, plus classroom activities you can use to help inspire your female students to follow in their footsteps.
Role Models and Mentor Resource: National Mentoring Resource Center is a collection of mentoring resources including handbooks, curricula, manuals, and other resources that practitioners can use to implement and further develop program practices.
STEM Handoffs and Transitions: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunity from the Hive Research Network shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering. We provide a framework, practice briefs and reports that focus on a particular issue or challenge and provide concrete examples, as well as illustrate how our partners worked through designing new brokering routines in partnership with our research team.
These assets feature IF/THEN Ambassador and Spaceflight Engineer, Dana Bolles, and can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, and for conferences presentations.
Jocelyn Bosley, Ambassador Profile
Raychelle Burks, Ambassador Profile
Olivia Castellini, Ambassador Profile

July 2023
Special Opportunities
Techbridge Girls Equity and Inclusion Community of Practice: August 10th, September 14, October 12th, November 9th and December 14th
Techbridge Girls is excited to announce that applications are being accepted to join the Fall 2023 STEM Equity Learning Community. All out-of-school time (OST) supervisors and administrators for programs that serve Black, Indigenous, and Latina girls and gender-expansive youth are encouraged to apply. Participation in the CoP includes 5 sessions and stipends. Attend the information session on July 6th at 1pm ET/ 10am PT. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER HERE.
Techbridge Girls Curriculum Program with Training and Kits
Join us at an upcoming Techbridge Girls Information Session to learn more about our program offering for this Fall! Each of our services equips educators with gender- and culturally-responsive teaching tools and full program kitting materials to support youth persistence in STEM and expose girls to BIPOC peers and role models from STEM fields. Participation includes educator training, all materials and a stipend.
Information Sessions: July 13th at 7pm EST/ 4pm PST and August 8th at 3pm ET/ noon PST. LEARN MORE AND REGISTER HERE
Teen Science Cafe Moonshot Fellows
Become a Teen Science Café Fellow! Teen Science Cafes are a free, fun way for teens to engage in lively conversations with STEM experts that explore the advances in science and technology that affect their lives. In these events, teens socialize over teen-friendly food and drink and have a lively conversation with local scientists and engineers about current cutting-edge developments in their fields, all in a relaxed and informal out-of-school setting. Teen Science Cafés are for teens, by teens. Teen Science Cafés are not just for the science geeks; they are for all curious teens. Along the way, teen organizers gain a host of leadership skills. Cafés are typically run about an hour and a half once per month during the school year. A $2,500 stipend is provided to selected participants to support the implementation of Teen Science Cafes. APPLY TO BE A TEEN SCIENCE CAFE MOONSHOT FELLOW HERE
ACRES Moonshot Virtual STEM Coach
Are you an afterschool leader and looking to build capacity for STEM engagement in your afterschool program? Would you like to train your staff through a live, nationally recognized coaching program? In partnership with the Million Girls Moonshot, the ACRES team is looking for job-secure afterschool program leaders (i.e. Site Directors, Site Coordinators, STEM Specialists, Professional Development and Training staff) who work directly with frontline staff to be trained to become an ACRES Virtual STEM Coach. As an ACRES Virtual STEM Coach, you will build your organization's capacity by training 3 to 6 members of your staff in at least 2 ACRES modules. This is your chance to be part of an educational change on how we train and support educators to facilitate high-quality, engaging STEM that reaches all youth. A $500 stipend is provided for selected participants to attend the training plus $1000 for each of the two cohorts you facilitate. Space is limited. Applications due July 10th
Professional Development
ACRES Training Cohort: Asking Purposeful Questions:
Fridays: 07/07/2023, 07/212023, 08/04/2023 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST/10:00 - 12:00 pm PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration.
How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop
their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way
to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators
also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators
across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice.
This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities.
*The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member
of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend.
ACRES Training Cohort: Elevating Youth Voice and Choice: Mondays: 08/07/2023, 08/21/2023, 09/11/2023
3:00 - 5:00 pm EST/12:00 - 2:00 pm PST
How often do youth in your program get to choose what they’re investigating or designing, the materials they might use, and/or how they engage with the work? In this module, participants try out strategies for elevating youth voice and choice and apply the ideas as they redesign a STEM activity to incorporate a greater variety of youth input. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. Completion of the Asking Purposeful Questions module is a prerequisite for this module. REGISTER HERE Code: AC251VC
ACRES STEM Mico-Credential Workshop:
Thursday, July 20th at 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST / 4:30-5:30 PM PST
Wednesday, September 6th at 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EST / 9-10 AM PST
Wednesday, November 8th at 8 PM - 9 PM EST / 5-6 PM PST
ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to offer workshops about STEM micro-credentials, which are competency-based, digital badges for afterschool and out-of-school professionals offered through the National Afterschool Association. These sessions are free, live, interactive, and one hour in length. REGISTER HERE
Hiring Interns or Teen Leaders for the Summer? Asynchronous Course
Click2ComputerScience’s new course, Teens Learning to Lead, is a great way to help new interns get prepared for working with youth. It is a leadership course for high school and college-aged people designed for participants to complete on their own, or with a team. We recommend that teams who will be teaching together over the summer complete the course together. Participants will need a computer and a journal for reflecting on their learning. The reflection points can be the basis for discussions with a supervisor. mentor or coach that will help participants learn and grow as leaders.
This is a self-directed online learning experience offered at no cost by Click2ComputerScience. The course is divided into four units with a culminating experience that lets participants apply what they have learned. See Teens Learning to Lead for yourself.
Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training
Tuesdays: July 18, August 15, September 19, October 17,
and November 28, 2023 1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections).
Previous Training Recordings: April, May, June
PEAR Program Planning Tool Training
Tuesday, August 1st and Thursday August 3rd 2:00-3:30 PM ET/ 11:00 AM-12:30 PM PT
The DoS-PPT is a free resource for facilitators of out-of-school and in-school STEM learning programs. The planning tool provides a brief introduction to each dimension of the DoS framework, sample videos, and examples to guide the use of DoS when preparing activity plans for youth. During this training, participants will:
Develop high-level understanding of the DoS Framework, dimensions of quality
Working with the PPT learn how to plan high quality STEM learning experiences using the DoS Program Planning Tool
Work with the newly revised DoS Program Planning Tool to identify and plan for high-quality program and activity planning practices.
Scientific Adventures for Girls Math Curriculum Training
October 3, 10, and 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Harnessing the Magic of Math
Join us for a dynamic three-part virtual training series designed to breathe life into math through games, through meaningful, kid-friendly data analysis, and nature exploration. Our sessions focus on strategies that accommodate multiple grade levels and ability levels, helping you meet each student where they are. Prepare to turn your after-school program into a vibrant and engaging mathematical journey!
Session 1: Let’s Play
October 3rd 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
Delve into the world where play meets mathematics. In this session, we'll explore how common game pieces, such as dominoes and dice, can be transformed into effective math teaching and exploration tools. You'll learn strategies for presenting math concepts in a playful, engaging manner, catering to different grade levels and ability levels. We'll discuss how games can enhance critical thinking, problem-solving, and cooperative learning among students.
Session 2: Data Detectives
October 10th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
In our second session, we'll focus on strategies to collect and analyze data in fun and meaningful ways. From measuring the bounce of different balls and exploring exponential decay by eating M&M’s, we'll demonstrate how students can become active participants in the world of gathering and interpreting data.
Session 3: Nature’s Numbers: Exploring Shapes & Patterns
October 17th 12:00-1:00PM EST / 9:00-10:00AM PST
In our final session, we will explore the geometric patterns and three-dimensional shapes that exist in the natural world, demonstrating how these can be used to enrich math learning. This session will equip you with strategies to engage all students, from the youngest to the oldest, and from beginner to advanced levels.
About Scientific Adventure for Girls: Scientific Adventures for Girls is a non-profit based in the Bay Area that’s
working to change the face of science by introducing girls in elementary school to hands-on STEM learning and removing systematic barriers.
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Looking for activities you can implement in your afterschool program today? Say goodbye to googling or searching on Pinterest. Use the following activities in sequence to support youth in building an engineering mindset.
First Woman Camp Experience: Hands-on activities that accompany NASA’s “First Woman” graphic novel series
James Webb Space Telescope STEM Toolkit: Virtual and classroom resources related to the James Webb Space Telescope.
Sun STEM Toolkit: Virtual and classroom resources related to the sun.
Sustainable Aviation STEM Toolkit: Virtual and classroom resources related to aviation.
NASA Coloring Pages: Color and learn about some faraway worlds with these coloring pages.
NASA for Students Grades K-4: Fun activities centered around all things NASA. Games, puzzles, color, and more.
Space Place Art Challenge: Space Place monthly art missions. Draw, color or paint the subject of the month.
Climate Kids: Learn about weather and climate through games, activities, and videos
Build to Launch with LEGO Education and Artemis I: An interactive digital learning adventure that explores the Artemis I mission to the Moon.
Clean Room - Europa Clipper: Watch this live YouTube stream as NASA’s Europa Clipper, is built and tested.
Learn the Phases of the Moon: Assemble a printable Moon Phases Calendar and Calculator.
Night Sky Network: Astronomy clubs bring the wonder of the universe to the public.
NASA Space Voyagers Game: A strategy card game where students explore the solar system.
Mars Scavenger Hunt!: Students participate in a Martian mission by completing the Mars scavenger hunt.
Are you on the Mizzen by Mott app? Check out the STEM Activities for K-5th in Small Groups playlist, a mix of engineering + science activities! Download the app today: https://app.mizzenapp.org/
Featured Activities & Playlists
Mizzen Playlist: STEM Activities for K-5th Grade in Small Groups - This playlist is a great mix of engineering and science activities that are easy and fun for small groups of students.
Mizzen Playlist: Science Notebooks for 3rd - 12th Grade - Keeping a notebook can help your students think and act like scientists and engineers. Sample these easy-to-implement strategies and lessons to bring science notebooking into your program.
Mizzen Module: S.INQ Up Earth and Space for 6-8th Grade - Earth and Space is an inquiry and exploration-based curriculum that uses hands-on activities focused on the relationships between the earth, the solar system, and human impacts on our global environment.
Less than 50% of high school girls know a woman in a STEM career. Let’s change that - recruit STEM professionals to support the youth you serve today!
The Moonshot helps to connect STEM experts with OST programs! Share your program’s volunteer opportunities for STEM experts to work with your youth today! Register here to find role models and mentors in STEM.
Transformative Practices
Equity and Inclusion Article: Building a Community for Indigenous Mathematicians - Easy to read article on identifying as an indigenous mathematician and how to become part of a community of mathematicians.
Family Engagement Guide: Educator Guide: STEM Activities for Families | NASA/JPL Edu
Easy to implement engaging activities for families (as a follow up to after school activities.)
Role and Models Resource: Career Girls is a comprehensive video-based career exploration tool for girls featuring diverse women STEM role models. It's free to use and contains 16,000 videos, as well as career quizzes and resources.
Role Models and Mentor Resource: National Mentoring Resource Center is a collection of mentoring resources including handbooks, curricula, manuals, and other resources that practitioners can use to implement and further develop program practices.
Role Models and Mentors Training Webinar: NGCP celebrated National Mentoring Month in January by highlighting the importance of mentors in empowering girls and young women to actively pursue STEM education and careers. Learn from a panel of speakers including dynamic professionals in STEM who currently serve as mentors and the female students they are mentoring.
STEM Pathways and Transitions Toolkit: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunity from the Hive Research Network shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering. We provide a framework, practice briefs and reports that focus on a particular issue or challenge and provide concrete examples, as well as illustrate how our partners worked through designing new brokering routines in partnership with our research team.
These assets feature IF/THEN Ambassador and Spaceflight Engineer, Dana Bolles, and can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, and for conferences presentations.
Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil, Ambassador Profile
Kelly Korreck, Ambassador Profile
Sydney Hamilton, Ambassador Profile
Miriam Fuchs, Ambassador Profile

June 2023
Special Opportunities
National Summer Learning Association’s (NSLA) DiscoverSummer.org offers a nation-wide summer learning registry to help families of all socioeconomic backgrounds find local summer programs for their kids.
Powered by InPlay, program providers across the country are invited to add their program details to the DiscoverSummer.org database. Submit your program details here.
This form will permanently close on June 30th, no new submissions will be accepted after that date.
Professional Development
ACRES Training Cohort: Facilitating Science Practices:
Wednesdays: 05/31/2023, 06/14/2023, 06/28/2023 3:30 pm-5:30 pm EST/ 12:30-2:30 pm PST
How can we make sure that our ‘hands on’ science experiences for youth are also ‘minds on?’ In this module, participants learn how to support youth as they engage in science practices to learn science ideas, including planning and conducting investigations around testable questions. They’ll talk about the similarities and differences between questioning in science versus questioning in engineering contexts. REGISTER HERE Code: AC225SP
ACRES Training Cohort: Asking Purposeful Questions:
Fridays: 07/072023, 07/212023, 08/04/2023 1:00 - 3:00 pm EST/10:00 - 12:00 pm PST
Questions begin a path toward discovery, imagination, and STEM exploration. How can we help youth expand and clarify their thinking and develop their reasoning through the questions we ask them? This module is a great way to train staff on how to facilitate STEM learning. Experienced educators also love being part of a cohort as a way to connect with other educators across the country, to learn new lesson plans, and to reflect on practice. This is our introductory module and a prerequisite to other opportunities. *The expectation is that you will be live at all three sessions and an active member of this coaching cohort. Recordings are not available if you are unable to attend. REGISTER HERE Code: AC250PQ
Training Cohort: Elevating Youth Voice and Choice: Mondays: 08/07/2023, 08/21/2023, 09/11/2023
3:00 - 5:00 pm EST/12:00 - 2:00 pm PST
The Click2Engineering community of practice (CoP)
introduces out-of-school time educators to the basics
of engineering and leading engineering activities with youth.
The CoP is organized around the 10 Practices for an
Engineering Mindset, and includes hands-on
engineering activities, developing engineering experiences
for youth, and learning skills to facilitate engineering practices.
The CoP is four meetings over 8 weeks. REGISTER HERE
ACRES STEM Mico-Credential Workshop:
Thursday, July 20th at 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM EST / 4:30-5:30 PM PST
Wednesday, September 6th at 12:00 PM-1:00 PM EST / 9-10 AM PST
Wednesday, November 8th at 8 PM - 9 PM EST / 5-6 PM PST
ACRES (Afterschool Coaching for Reflective Educators in STEM) is excited to offer workshops about STEM micro-credentials, which are competency-based, digital badges for afterschool and out-of-school professionals offered through the National Afterschool Association. These sessions are free, live, interactive, and one hour in length.
Click2Engineering Summer Gathering: Tuesday 6/20/23 2:00-3:00 EST/ 11:00-noon PST
Don’t miss a relaxed opportunity to connect or reconnect with colleagues who are interested in engineering education in out-of-school time programs. You’ll hear from a national leader in engineering education, find out what is coming up with Click2Engineering community of practice and network with colleagues all with a laid-back summer break atmosphere. REGISTER HERE
Hiring Interns or Teen Leaders for the Summer? Asynchronous Course
Click2ComputerScience’s new course, Teens Learning to Lead, is a great way to help new interns get prepared for working with youth. It is a leadership course for high school and college-aged people designed for participants to complete on their own, or with a team. We recommend that teams who will be teaching together over the summer complete the course together. Participants will need a computer and a journal for reflecting on their learning. The reflection points can be the basis for discussions with a supervisor. mentor or coach that will help participants learn and grow as leaders.
This is a self-directed online learning experience offered at no cost by Click2ComputerScience. The course is divided into four units with a culminating experience that lets participants apply what they have learned. See Teens Learning to Lead for yourself.
Afterschool Math Plus Curriculum Training
Thursdays: April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, August 15,
September 19, October 17, and November 28, 2023
1:00 - 2:00 PM EST
Previous Training Recordings: April HERE
Note: Each webinar will include strategies to support a positive Math Identity (e.g., role models, career connections, family connections, literacy connections).
No Cost Activities
Activity Playlist
Looking for a sequence of activities you can implement in your afterschool program today? Say goodbye to googling or searching on Pinterest. Use the following activities in sequence to support youth in building an engineering mindset.
Celebrating Pride Month in STEM: To celebrate Pride month, we’ve rounded up resources, networks, blogs and more from the Science Council membership.
LGBTQ in STEM: A guide that focuses on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and more (LGBTQ+) people, organizations, and history in the fields of STEM. The guide includes resources, articles, podcasts, and events.
Historical legacy of Juneteenth: Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day and Liberation Day, is an American holiday celebrated annually on June 19. It is the oldest, national commemoration of the emancipation of enslaved African Americans in the U.S. Celebrate with your youth with these resources from the National Museum of African American History.
Activities: Celebrate spring with 26 free science and engineering lessons, projects, and activities for enriching hands-on STEM related to spring weather, flowers, plants, and more!
Looking for EVEN More Activities at NASA?!
Activity Toolkit: Engineering is Elementary's NASA Partnership free units - A suite of free NASA-funded STEM resources for students in grades 3-8. All resources are research-based and classroom-tested. They are designed to support students’ understanding of space, while helping them see themselves as capable problem solvers.
Recruit STEM Experts as Volunteers!
Less than 50% of high school girls know a woman in a STEM career. Let’s change that - recruit STEM professionals to support the youth you serve today!
The Moonshot helps to connect STEM experts with OST programs! Share your program’s volunteer opportunities for STEM experts to work with your youth today! Register here to find role models and mentors in STEM.
Transformative Practices
Website: Three Ways Educators Can Shift the Way They Talk About Science - Blog post with simple suggestions for educators based on research conducted by Amanda Cardarelli at NYU.
Website: International Women in Engineering Day - Organized by Women's Engineering Society, the day (June 23, 2023) is an international awareness campaign to raise women's profile in engineering and focus attention on the career opportunities available to girls in engineering.
Website: Room to Read STEAM Powered Careers Collection - Room to Read’s STEAM-Powered Careers collection presents 10 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics-themed books to inspire first through third graders about the wide variety of groundbreaking and exciting STEAM careers that they can start exploring right now. Created in collaboration with scientists, staff and faculty from the University of Southern California (USC), the collection explores topics ranging from polar science to gastroenterology to nanotechnology and more.
Article: Building a Community for Indigenous Mathematicians - Easy to read article on identifying as an indigenous mathematician and how to become part of a community of mathematicians.
Website: June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month - Association of Zoos and Aquariums provides a collection of links including Educator Resources. Many of the websites have educational resources such as videos, wildlife facts, lesson plans, and activities.
Toolkit: Brokering Youth Pathways: A Toolkit for Connecting Youth to Future Opportunity
from the Hive Research Network - This toolkit shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering. We provide a framework, practice briefs and reports that focus on a particular issue or challenge and provide concrete examples, as well as illustrate how our partners worked through designing new brokering routines in partnership with our research team.
These assets feature IF/THEN® Ambassadors Beata Mierzwa, Molecular Biologist and Artist, and Yamilée Toussaint Beach,
Dance Technologist, and can be used in marketing, presentations, social media, and conference presentations.